It is interesting to me to look at and think about all of the reasons people write. We all come to writing for our own personal reasons regardless of whether or not a teacher makes us. Many came together during the month of October to explain for the National day of writing and to answer the question, "Why I write." Attached is the link to a website entitled Figment. (click the word Figment it is the link.) Here students, adults and others submitted reasons as to why they write or in some cases why they do not write. I want you to go to this site and read through at least two essays. Do not just pick the first two. Go through and read the two that appeal to you. Describe the reason they write and comment about their writing on our blog. Do not just take the easy road and say, "It was good." That would unacceptable!!!!!
Seriously look at what they wrote, how they wrote and the reason they wrote. Comment on one of the three items. Once you have described two from the Figment site, I want you to answer the question, "Why I write." Do not just say, "Cause mean old Mrs. Perrin says I have to or I fail." If you write that, guess what--that would be uncool!!!!! Think about why you write. It can be in poetic form like mine or in paragraph form.
I write to better understand the world
and my place in it.
I write to give voice to ideas yet unborn
soon to be birthed into a world filled with confusion.
I write to breathe life into moments
painted by words and given shape by emotion.
I write to remember and forget; to learn and to unlearn
I write to play with words yet untouched and watch them
unpack themselves into disheveled beauty.
I write because sometimes survival is necessary
and a concrete manifestation of thoughts set me