I love holiday movies. I love: It's a Wonderful Life, The Bells of Saint Mary's, The Santa Clause, A year without a Santa Clause, and White Christmas. I could also make an argument for the movie Meet me in St. Louis. All of these movies seem to capture for me the idea of appreciating what you have and the appreciation of family. Most of these have songs attached to them and when I hear the songs, I cannot help but sing along or smile. They take me to my childhood and remind me of when I was little.
For this week's blog, think of what makes the holiday season special to you. I know that family is near and dear to each of us. I want you to think about what event, movie, song, etc... makes the Holiday season come to life. My daughters would argue that going ice skating at Lock 3 in Akron is the start of the season or watching Elf as a family is the start. Each of us, however, has our own start to the season.
Describe how you know the holiday season is upon you and if you feel so inclined, link us to your favorite school appropriate holiday song. (Please make sure the song or link is appropriate. No credit will be awarded for inappropriateness.)
The fake green bristles on the christmas tree are happy to see us as, as we are happy to see them. My aunts and my cousins help put up the family Christmas tree, which is filled with hundreds of spectacularly glittery ornaments that have been collected throughout my grandmother's life. My cousins and I get shooed out of the kitchen where 2 or 3 of my 7 aunts are baking early Christmas goodies. On the grand stereo system you hear the sweet sounds of classic Christmas music, including Elvis Presley. I have quite a large family, the oldest cousin is 21 while the youngest is the mere age of 1. Each cousin has a sparkly ornament with their name on it, there is Kevin, Bretton, Alexandra, Sean, Kathleen(me!), Joshua, Madeleine, Mark, Michael, Lance, Trevor, Jesse, Jason, Dillon and Elise. They are all silver ornaments besides 4 that represent the girl cousins.We each get to place ours on the tree. My family lets the baby of the family put the star on the top of the tree, held up by the oldest cousin, my brother, who so conviently happens to be 6'4. The word Christmas leaves me warm and I have a overwhelming feeling of love. Tradition has been creating itself for as long as people have existed. Some family traditions are shared by many, some are unique, but each leaves a person with the same beautiful happy feelings.
My favorite Christmas song:
I know that the holiday season has arrived when I can no longer feel my toes while waiting for the bus, when I can only see pure white when I open my eyes, when I can hear the explicated rants of my friends about the pain of winter. I feel that winter is only necessary for 2 days out of the year; Christmas Eve and Christmas day, the rest of the 364 days can be warm and sunny. I can personally and truthfully say that I hate winter. It is just too cold, period. Unfortunately I do not have a favorite Christmas song, at least not one that is appropriate.
I know it's Christmas when my whole family is gathered at my grandparents house, each of the cousins coming on different days after Christmas. I love the warm and comfortable atmosphere of the holiday. It's a time when my whole entire family comes together. My brothers and I decorate the Christmas tree, each putting up their own personalized ornaments, and listen to Christmas music. It's when I can no longer walk out my door without complaining and when my parents decide to pick me up early from a friend's house. Without my family all crowded into my grandparent's house and the warm, homey Christmas decorations, the holiday season wouldn't be complete.
i know its getting close to the holidays when it starts getting cold outside. i do not like the cold weather it self, if its going to be cold there has to be snow covering the ground. I know when its getting closer to christmas when christmas music starts playing alot on all the radio station, when the snow starts to fall, and family is near. My favorite part of christmas is decorated the christmas tree with my family. We dedicate a whole day to just decorate the tree and put decorations around the house while listening to christmas music on my all my moms C.D's. It does not feel like christmas unless there is snow covering the ground fully. Its only a good christmas if its a white christmas.
-Courtney B.
I can tell it is close to christmas, because after thanksgivig, my family usually goes out to the Medina Tree Lot, and we pick out a tree together. Afterword, we fetch all the ornaments, decorations, etcetera, from my attic. Selecting a Christmas Tree has been a family tradition sinceI was a little boy, and other than Christmas Day, it is my favorite time of the holiday season. Also, retrieving these items from my attic, give me an even greater feel for the christmas season, because some have that great Christams smell about them. I do have a few favorite Christmas songs from the albums Twisted Christmas, and We wish You A METAL Xmas ( and a head-banging new year). The first is a metal vesion of "Rockin around the Christmas Tree" ( with Joe Lynn Turner), Second, "Santa Claus," ( featuring Alice Cooper), and finally Twisted Sister's version of "O Come All Ye Faithful."
( For the record, The Twisted Sister one is the official music video for the song, done in traditional Twisted Sister fashion).
I know that it is close to Christmas time when everyone starts to decorate and we put our tree up. Also, i know that its close when 106.5 is always played at my house and in the car. My favorite part is being able to go sledding with my friends and watch my favorite movie, the christmas vacation.
I know when the holiday season is apon me when we put up decorations and there are presents, and we are making lists for are parents to buy us, and when there is snow. My favorite holiday song:
rocker45 is Matthais Lohr
The first sight of the giant fake tree I have makes me happy. My parents usually sit and drink coffee as me and my brother(Jakob) and sister(Mo) put it up. Unwrapping the different ornaments we have collected over the years. The flashing lights and the huge, glittery, gold star that goes on top. Christmas is my favorite holiday and is very dear to me. 106.5 is always blasted in my room, chocolate is being made in the kitchen, and my sister pretends to be Santa. Along with that comes the five day hockey tourneys in Michigan....but I love it. Everything about Christmas makes me...happy. :)
My favorite Christmas song:
My second favorite:
My favorite tangible item of Christmas would be the cinnamon pine cones. Every year my mother goes to World Market to buy the pine cones and places them in a big glass jar. The pinecones smell like warm cinnamon, cedar and oranges; a scent that is to die for. When I smell the beautiful aroma, I know that it is surely Christmas time.
Haylie R. 2
My name is spelled incorrectly in the above post?? Not sure why??
I know the holiday season is here when Brunswick recieves the first real snow. Like how it now, the big snow flakes and a foot of snow outside. I think it looks so pretty outside with the snow covered trees and big flakes falling from the sky. Plus, I love to snuggle up in a warm holiday blanket sipping hot cocoa and sitting on the couch with my family watching the latest cheesey holiday movie and watching the snow fall outside! This is when I really begin to notice that the Christmas season has arrived.
I LOVE the holiday season. Everybody is so happy and helpful. I can always tell the holiday season is starting when we get the secret santa Christmas exchange list for my family. I have a huge family, close to 100 people, just on my dad's side. So planning a gift exchange could be pretty time consuming. But every year, we manage to make it work out perfectly, starting with the list we get the day after Thanksgiving. Of course, the holidays just wouldn't be the same without all the snow. As much as people complain about the weather, I think we all have to admit Christmas day wouldn't feel right without the snow. But even without the snow, gift exchanges, I could always tell when the holidays are approaching by everybody's attitudes changing. People smile more, are more helpful, and give more. And that's what really makes the holiday season so special.
Just outside the window, the soft white flakes fall as the light winter breeze blows through the branches, bear after the autmun season. Christmas lights and decorations fill the yards of many of my neighbors' homes. Christmas music blasts from the stereo just as the tree topper has been placed. Now the tree stands bare, waiting for the family to add the decorations; ornaments saved through the years, each with it's own special memory of how it came to be placed on the Lorig household tree. Lights as well, are placed on the tree, to make it shine, even when all other lights are off.
This is my personal start to the Christmas Season. The time when I finally begin to appreciate all the decorations put up by stores and residents, the hustle and bustle of shoppers and the Christmas music, played too early from before Thanksgiving. This is my personal start to the most beautiful time of the year: Christmas.
~Nicole Lorig (not Tim <-Name used for The Things They Caried project)
I know the holiday season is upon me by when my mom says "I really have to start the christmas shopping." My mom loves to procrastinate and buying gifts at the last minute is her specialty. One thing that my family does for the holidays is on Christmas Eve, everyone comes home (if they've been out) at 7 and we watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas (live action) and The Polar Express. I refuse to watch those movies during any other season. No kidding. I also love waking up and getting presents (like everyone) but my dad always has a special scavenger hunt for the last present. Its so fun to rack my brain as to where the next clue will be.
The most special thing about the holiday season is the feeling of being closed in. During the summertime, you often find yourself feeling free and open. But after awhile (for me at least) i get sick of that feeling and wish for school to come (im crazy). During the holiday, i feel so... stable, so together. I feel close to everyone :)
As i say goodbye to Brunswick for a month, I hold back my tears and look foward for the journey ahead. Its December now, so i finally get to see my family in Mexico. Its the first of the holiday season for me. Having people that I love around brings the feeling of joy and happiness. Its a temporary feeling, where I know that every day and moment counts this month. Theres so much to say and I dont even know where to start when I see my grandparents. As of right now we are together and I will take so much advantage of the opportunity. As the days go by, my mom and grandma start thinking of ideas for food, a very serious topic.My mom and my aunt go to the mall and get last minute gifts even though there was a clear warning from my dad that he wanted all the gifts set before December. A week before christmas, theres always a day, where I step outside and feel the unexpected breeze. Its been warm the past couple days but its that time where the warmth will take a break. So I take out my coat, my gloves and hat and walk my little brother and cousins to the park. I sit there and listen to them talk about Santa and how excited they are to open their gifts. I love listening to them. They have that tone in their voice, that I wish I still had in mine. So innocent, so careless, so happy. And their words are filled with wonder and excitement for the Christmas time to come. And the morning of the 24th, my mother is running around cleaning the house, im pretty sure my brother Diego is poking the turkey, my cousin Melisa and I still dont know what to wear, my cousin Eddy and my brother Francisco are playing xbox in the midst of all this chaos and my grandpa is the only one who shows so much patience to everyone. Fast foward and its around 11 at night. Melisa and I are singing at the top of our lungs and all the boys are watching cartoons in the living room. All the little kids are hovering over the christmas tree, setting all their attention to the presents, of course.Andwhen the clock hits 12 we all hug each other and yell with joy. This is the beautiful definition of Christmas to me. A very long story to share, but I never get tired of it. Its all about family to me, the month and the christmas spirit everyone shows.
I know the Christmas season is upon us when the light dust of snow sprinkles over the grass and then the next day there are seven inches of snow covering everything we accidentally left outside. It's cold, but it's beautiful and I love it. It's Christmas time when I walk into my livingroom and see the mantle, staircase, and every shelf decorated with twinkling lights and garland and the house smells of cookie-scented candles and actual cookies baking in the oven. The overall warm feeling Christmas time gives off is so comforting. Here is a link to my favorite Christmas song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ6yQgBvuoI
~Brooke C. 1st Period~
For me i know christmas is here when my aunt starts bothering me about doing christmas baking a week before thanksgiving, and christmas music starts playing. Also, there is always a christmas movie on at least one channel. For two years I've watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Year Without A Santa Claus at least twenty times. I sing christmas carols with my best friends, and my mom tells me to start typing out a list. I love the holidays. my favorite christmas song would be this All I Want For Christmas Is You by My Chemical Romance:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvJvKyKBh-Q
~ Martina L. 2nd period.
Every winter, the air smells different, almost cold and dead. The first snowfall hits. I have to stop wearing my heels and wear boots and tennis shoes, and then comes the worst part: Mother insists on over decorating the house. I really don't mind the holiday celebration, I just absolutely hate seeing too many holiday decoration starting before thanksgiving and not ending until January. I counter act my scrooge-like emotions with deeply uplifting songs like the Santa of Doom Song: (Or whatever you want to call it)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP1thwtnKtk&feature=related . I will admit that I love seeing my family and eating ham and rolls every year until I take in too many calories and sleep during the entire present opening time. It is a holiday tradition of mine, and one I don't intend to break anytime soon. I play guitar, so I have learned many Christmas songs over the years on it. One of my favorite to play is The Greatest Time of Year, just because my sister and I have a cute little duet to go with it.
I know it's christmas time when, the first snow falls and its really cold outside. I like to break out my electric blanket and cuddle with my puppy. My family and I always bake cookies, and decorate ornaments. My friends and I go ice skating at the hoover arena. Also my family and I always watch Tim allen christmas movies, they are just cheesey and really funny. Everyone seems nicer, and happier at christmas time. My favorite christmas songs are A song for a winters night by Sarah Mchlachlan, and Faith Hill's version of Little Drummer boy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06t60Ei_8Vg
~Sarah C~
How I know the holiday season is upon me is when the outside of my house is full of snow and our christmas tree is up and decorated with outstanding and beautiful ornaments that sparkle when the lights on the christmas tree hit them. Then when we go over to our Aunt's house to see our family and give eachother presents not knowing who they are all from until the very end. I can also tell when it's christmas when my sisters wake everyone up early to open presents and occasionally peak out of our room at night to see if they are under the tree or not. We would all go over to our grandmas house and see our cousins who we don't usually see until christmas. Then leaving the T.V. on to the movie A Christmas Story. While everyone is talking and me, my sisters and our cousins are all hanging out around the house. This basically is a tradition because we have done this as a family ever since me and my sisters had been little.
--Jordan M.--
I know that it is the holiday season when i wake up to the sound of snow plows and the phone ringing for snowdays. The only part of winter i don't like is the below zero temperatures. i hate being cold and my house is cold in the winter also. my favoite holiday movie is of course The Christmas Story. who doesn't love Ralphy (if i spelled his name right.) When he says the grandmother of all swears! Hahaha that is one of my favorites. my favorite christmas song is Jingle bells. Some people don't like jingle bells. Its a classic christmas song.
I realy feel it is christmas when I go into the store and see all the christmas decorations and seeing snow outside for the first time for the year.I love it when I see my friends i don't get to see often because we don't live by each other, but I love it when were in the car singing the songs, laughing just makes me feel great inside. i also feel like it is christmas time when i go to the mall and all the decorations are all set up and you see those kids who take their picture with santa and you can't help but smile. this what makes it feel like i is christmas.
I know the holiday season is upon me when I notice all the sales that stores start to have. Or when there is 2 feet of snow outside. The holiday season comes to life through kindness among people. I usually get excited about the holiday, but right now, all I'm thinking of it as is a break from school. The holiday season comes to life through parties, gifts, sales, snow, cold, movies, games, cold, and sometimes miserable vacations that your dad decided would be a great idea to go on.
I don't listen to very much holiday music or haven't in a while, so I am unable to link a song to this post.
^My two and a half cents
-Chris Fassih
There are many signs that make know when a holiday season is coming like when its start to get cold, when people start decorating their houses then at night the houses are all really bright and colorful. When there is a lot of people shooping to get gifts, a lot of people have trees decorated inside the house next to their window. When there are parents and children wating in a huge line to see someone special. This are the sighn that make me know when a holiday season has arrive.
I know that the Christmas season is here when I can see the first snow. I see the glittery white substance and my heart fills with joy. I love to go out and play in the snow and come back inside to a large cup of hot chocolate waiting for me. As I sit and sip my hot chocolate in front of my large Christmas tree, I count down the days until Christmas will arrive. When the days dwindle down to one, I can barely sleep due to the overbearing excitement that I feel.
Leah, 9th period
I think there is something about the holiday because there is like a feel to the atmosphere! My family always watches the movie Elf every year around Christmas. Are tradition that we do every year is on christmas day we go over my grandparents house and a couple day before christmas we go over my other grandparents house. We always put the christmas tree up as a family. I love watching the the 25 Days of Chirstmas on ABC Family!
I know the Christmas season is here when we put up the tree as a family. we turn on the Christmas music and decorate the tree. After we decorate the tree I curl up on the couch and have a glass of hot chocolate. I love stepping outside and seeing the christmas lights on peoples houses. I also enjoy going to my cousins house to celebrate the holiday season. we also used to go to my Grandmas house and help her decorate to. all of these things give meaning to family. Without them Christmas just does no feel like Christmas.
I know that the holidays are coming when I hear Christmas music all the time on the radio. I also watch Christmas movies constantly. My family’s favorite is White Christmas. What really makes me believe that the holidays are upon us is when I’m standing outside when it’s dark and huge snowflakes are gently falling around me. I find it so beautiful just to stand there in the silence and watch the snow fall. –Candice W
i love the feeling that christmas is almost here! i can tell the season is upon us because the snow begins to fall. the worst part is that is always seems that the snow never falls on christmas day which is sad. my family always watches christmas vacation during the holidays, its so much fun because we always watch it together as a family. our family all get together to put up the tree and decorate it with orniments, and my mom likes to put a lot up! the best part of the holidays is when all the girls in my family get together over my grandma's house and have what we call cookie day. we make a whole bunch of cookies in one day and freeze them for christmas. my favorite christmas movie would have to be elf! i love this movie it's cute and funny! my favorite christmas songs would have to santa baby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MBvCyF7aMU
last christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX9owUrPW1I
and all i want for christmas is you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXQViqx6GMY
- megan 4/5 (:
I know Christmas is close when it is the end of November and my mom is already playing Christmas music around the house. Also, watching the 25 days till Christmas on abc reminds me that Christmas is close. I love to watch Christmas movies so around the end of November I start to get excited. Decorating our Christmas tree is the last thing that makes me realize that Christmas is coming soon.
~Kaitlyn 2nd period
I know when the holiday season is here when everyone is running around, going shopping, going to the post office, and most of the stores, and radio stations are playing Christmas music. The holiday season is so special because this is the time where all family and friends get together and appreciate eachother for everything. The holiday season means the Christmas tree is going up along with all the decorations. Also this means I have to put on my coat every time I go outside. I love to see the snow covering the ground! And snowdays always make it feel like winters here! Even though it's really cold outside I still love this time of year! Shopping and going to the mall is always fun! Santa's always at the mall, and the decorations there look perfect. Around the holidays we always watch the Home Alone movies, and Elf. The Abc Family's 25 Days of Christmas is forever good to watch! All I really wanna do is just have hot chocolate, watch Christmas movies, and make new memories to last with my family and friends!
My favorite Christmas song:
I know the holiday season is near when the snow has fallen upon the ground and when i look outside and can only see white all around me. When the decorations are placed on the outside of houses and when the inside of my house has the christmas tree up makes me know the holiday seasons on its way. I enjoy watching the holiday movies but i have no one movie that i favor the most. I know the holiday season is near when all i hear on the radio are christmas songs. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to be surrounded by friends and family.
The thing that shows me the holiday season is here is the snow and all of the Christmas lights on people's houses. Another thing that shows me the holiday season is here is the Christmas. Also i know the holiday season is here when i flip through all of the channels and see The Christmas Story on pretty much every channel. i also know its the holiday when I see all of the snow plow trucks and the super intendent is calling to say there is no school. My favorite holiday song is Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer. I like this song becuase Rudolf is my favorite reindeer.
i feel that i know that it is the holiday season when it starts getting cold and the people on my street start putting up lights, which is usually the day after thanksgiving. i also start to get in the holiday spirit when the radio stations randomly throw in holiday songs,and when abc family starts its classic 25 days of christmas count down. I beleive that the holiday season comes to life when i watch the charlie brown christmas special,a christmas story, rudolph the red nose reindeer, and Frosty the snow man. Some songs that get me in the christmas spirit are Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, White Christmas, and Let it snow, all of course by Dean Martin
......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxacW-odCOM
I know the holidays have begun when my dad wont let us in the closet. When my mom is trying to save money because construction companies dont work in the winter. When my stepdad is a grouch because he thinks we should be thankful for what he bought us, even though we dont even know about it. And when my ears are consistently ringing with christmas jingles,(shudder).I don't really like holiday songs, or movies. But I like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and A Christmas Story (ooh, fragilee. Must be Italian). I ont like christmas songs mostly because they are everywhere and they get stuck in my head constantly.
~Grace Shank
I know the holiday season is near when we start to put all of our decorations up. Also when my family gets together to make Christmas cookies and other little things like that. I love that my family is all together because we have so much fun.
my way of gettinfg into the holiday spirt is also some what tragic i listen to the song called chrismas shoes though sad it remind's me of what the holiday season is about helping your fellow man to achieve streath and essintials.
I know the holiday season is upon us when it first starts to snow. To me, the winter holidays give me the image of me and my brother playing Wii Sports and drinking hot chocolate while outside you can see everything covered in a blanket of snow. My favorite holiday song is the Twelve Days of Christmas.
I know it's time for the holidays when Brunswick puts up their Christmas lights and every radio station plays seasonal music. When the first snow hits, and the air is bitter cold, I know winter has arrived. My family gets together and helps decorate each others' houses. My mom plays her Josh Groban CD's and we listen to the holiday music channel on Time Warner Cable. When I walk into the house and I smell cinnamon and pine, I always feel warm and welcomed. I love the feeling I get when I look at the glowing Christmas tree, and everyone is talking, exchanging loving words. I forget the stressful life I usually have, and live in this perfect moment. The Christmas song that I love to hear over the holidays is:
I know the holidays have started when my dad's side of the family is all at my nana's house for thanksgiving. We exchanging christmas gifts because we will not see eachother untill at least easter. We also do some of our christmas shopping on black friday. Sometimes we even get up at 2 a.m. to go because my Nana live at least an hour away from the nearest walmart or target.
How I know the holidays are upon us is when it snows. Along with snow you have to shovel and then when you come inside you get a nice cup of hot coco. One of my favorite Christmas songs Jingle Bells the Frank Sinatra version. If you havent heard you should.
-Mitch Andzelik-
How I know the holidays are upon us is when it snows. Along with snow you have to shovel and then when you come inside you get a nice cup of hot coco. One of my favorite Christmas songs Jingle Bells the Frank Sinatra version. If you havent heard you should.
-Mitch Andzelik-
How I know the holidays are upon us is when it snows. Along with snow you have to shovel and then when you come inside you get a nice cup of hot coco, I love hot coco.One of my favorite Christmas songs Jingle Bells the Frank Sinatra version. If you havent heard you should.
-MItch Andzelik-
I know when the holiday season is upon us when christmas music is playing before thanksgiving! I have always been a huge fan of christmas music, and I feel when christmas is coming everyone is in the giving mood. I wish people would treat each other with kindness all year long, and not just during decemember. But back to the topic, the holiday isn't offical until we put up the christmas tree and decorations...it just sets the stage for everything. This year we finally got a real tree! I'm so excited for this years Christmas, and I'm so thankful for all my friends and family i get to spend time with, and to celebrate with some more christmas music!
I know the holidays are here when my mother decorates the house head to toe with Christmas decorations. We whip out the Christmas scented air freshener plugins, and with the scents and decorations, it feels cozy and I know Christmas is on it's way. The holidays are really important to me because I get to be closer and happier with my family and friends. The cold weather that comes around this time makes it feel more complete. I love walking outside to see my friend that I barely get to spend time with in the winter. It makes it feel more special, and seem I'm willing to do almost anything for a very close friend. I enjoy giving presents to loved ones on Christmas. I love all the happiness and joy in everyone's hearts and faces as it gets closer to the holidays.
Liz 2nd period.
Okay, Christmas and the holiday season.....those are the holy words in my house, I swear. The season starts the day before Thanksgiving or whenever Christmas musics starts to play on the radio. We decorate to no end until the day of christmas, we always find new things to put up. We even change our bathroom soaps....yeah. We get new candles and they are always lit. My mom breaks out the Christmas socks and pajamas. A few years ago my mom, my sister and I along with my mom's best freind and her daughter go to the Nutcracker together which always puts us all in the Christmas mood. My birthday is six days before Christmas and we usually do something with my family as a birthday/Christmas coming soon party. And then there's the Christmas movies....I like the older claymation movies, especially the one with heat miser and snow miser, but my mom, sister, and I's favorite movie is White Christmas. Everday, there is music playing quite loud and our tree is lit quite bright. But back to the music, we sometimes listen to the radio but more often we have some Dean Martin gracing us with his lovely voice. this is one of his lovely songs:
In my house if someone says they aren't in the Christmas spirit you get the ultimate death look from my mom. So, it's best to embrace the season and live it to the fullest.
sorry, that last comment was by Abbi R. first period
I know that the holiday season is here because of all the christmas songs on the radio,the snow,all the decorations on the houses, & how the christmas movies are on everyday now. I also know the holiday season is here because we've already had a snowday, snowball fights & building snowmen.
- Bridget M.-
Here is a link to my favorite christmas song:
Every Christmas, my family takes many steps to prepare for the coming of our Lord. The one step that really starts off the season for me and my family, is when my dad, my sister and I go to buy our Christmas tree. This is a great time, because we always seem to find the perfect tree. The green bristles are the perfect shade of green, the height is just right, and it always looks beautiful in our home. I also love going to pick out our tree because when we get there, we end up having our first snowball fight of the year. Diving behind trees, scooping up snow as we run to our next hiding spot, everything is perfect. Then we go home, rearrange the house, and put our tree in it's proper spot. Then comes the part of decorating. We have so many ornaments that depict what my family has done in the years past, that during the last few years, our tree has become rather full. We finish our tree, and now we put the skirt around the bottom. This is always my job and I love it because I get to climb underneath our tree's grand branches and smell the wonderful aroma of the fraiser furs bristles. This entire experience brings our family together and puts us into the season of giving... Christmas.
I know that the holiday season is near because after waking up I go to my grandparents house for breakfast and we get our Christmas decorations out of their basement and bring them back to our house and start decorating. We do the same thing every year. Another way I know the Holiday season is near is waiting for my grandpa to call on a school morning to tell us that it is a snow day. It was never the same just to find out on the t.v. Another tradition that runs in our family is we always read "The Night Before Christmas" by any author. We started reading it to my baby cousin and he loves it now. These things remind me or let me know its the holiday season.
I know its christmas time when I can smell the cookies in the oven, I see christmas cards and pictures of family and friends on my fridge, when we get a dozen calls from family asking what to bring on christmas day, When being asked a thousand times "What do you want for christmas?." When the good movies are on tv, When my family is all togheter. Christmas is important in my home because it reminds us of our grandma who is no longer here. Traditions in my family include having a cookie party at my aunts the day before, and Driving around in pj's looking at lights. I love christmas not only for the presents but for the comfort and love of my family.
Favorite Holiday Song:
What really captures me in the holiday mood has to be the snowflake lights that spontaneously appear on all posts around Brunswick. They immediately raise my spirits and remind me of thick blankets of glistening fresh snow; perfect for romping around in. I love winter fashion. The sweaters and coats keep me warm and make me feel bubbly. When those snowflakes are up, it feels as if the whole community is prepared for that special time that brings everyone closer.
Maddy Jeske 9
For me, i know Christmas is on it's way whenever i hear varieties of christmas music being blasted throughout the house. It loosens tension in the family, especially for my mom because she has been going through so much. I love Christmas; My whole entire family does, but at the same time, it can be VERY stressful. It is always such a good time seeing snow, hearing music, and being with family. To top off the idea that christmas is coming, is always adding the star to the tree. There is just so much to do in such a little time.
- Pete
Sorry, forgot to add the song.
- Pete
I always know when Christmas is close because my family puts up or tree and the snow. My favorite part of Christmas is spending time with my family and knowing that its the thought that counts when it comes to presents. Whether or not you like what someone got you, its always the thought that they picked that out for you or that they thought of you when they saw it that counts. I also know Christmas is near when ABC Family starts its 25 Days of Christmas with Christmas movies on every night.
eggnog and candycanes makes christmass.i know when its cristmass when im running to the bus dodgeind frozen icy puudles on the driveway and sidewalks.what i do that makes it feel like cristmass is when my bros hott friend disides my face looks better with a snow ball smashing into it causing me to have the most bloodyist nose ever possible.the song thT MAKES IT FEEL LIKE CRISTMASS IS ROUDOLF the red nose reindeer.CHA
Although I know it is the Christmas season the second I see snow on the ground, I get most into the holiday spirit on Christmas Eve. Every year my family meets at my aunt’s house on the day before Christmas. The evening is filled with music of the holiday, stories of Christmas memories, and traditions that I have been a part of as long as I can remember. For example, my family does a sort of game for children where an ornament is hidden in the Christmas tree and the first one to find it gets a gift. However, it is not the gifts that make Christmas so special. Spending time with my aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and friends is what lets me know that the holiday is here. I also notice that around the season, people are generally kinder. I see more smiles and happy faces. I see excitement and enthusiasm. Most of all, I see a generosity in people, a want to give and help others, that could only mean Christmas.
Morgan 2
The thing that puts me in the Christmas mood is seeing all the lights people put up outside. My friends and I love to drive around for hours just looking at all of the lights and taking pictures with Jesus' missing. Ha ha! It really brings joy to my heart to know that people like to add a little fun into their lives by making their house look crazy bright.
My favorite christmas song:
I know it is close to Christmas the day after Thanksgiving when my friend gets her Christmas tree. The knowledge that it is this season comes with the neighborly harassment from her family about my family decorating last minute. It is not truly the holiday season until they make fun of us (kindly of course). My family always gets our tree and decorates for Christmas a couple of days before so that is really when I realize that Christmas is extremely close. Decorating last minute is one of my most memorable experiences during the holiday season, except Christmas Eve and Christmas Day of course.
Another memorable part of Christmas is when my family, my mom, dad, and twin brothers, and I sit on our couches and watch The 25 days of Christmas movies most nights in December. They play a lot of the same movies each year so watching those movies is a tradition.
Listening to Christmas music in the car and while we decorate is also a tradition in my family. The Christmas music brings all of our
spirits fully into the Christmas season. I love a lot of Christmas music, so it is nearly impossible for me to pick a favorite. I
especially love Silent Night, Do You Hear What I Hear, and Walking in a Winter Wonderland.
Even though all of these parts of the Christmas season are great,
going to my church on Christmas Eve and singing in the choir, then going straight to my grandma's house for dinner is tied for my
favorite part of Christmas with going to my other family's house the next day. The Christmas season is full of joy that spreads to many hearts, especially mine. It makes me happier than normal, which is almost impossible.
Alyssa 9th period
The only event that really makes Christmas come alive to me is when I get out of bed on Christmas Day and come out and see presents under the tree. I know that I am 15, and I know where the gifts come from, but it still sends a rush through me to see the gifts there. I can tell that
I know The Season is upon us because for the last 6 weeks every store has had the lights up and the music blaring. You can also tell by the fact that whenever i look out the window, that odd mixture of snow and rain that only comes to us Northeast Ohioans is falling down.
I start to enjoy the Christmas season when my family starts to decorate the house with the "appropriate" attire. We place our collection of nutcrackers along the fireplace mantle, hang garlands, decorate the tree, get out the twelve days of Christmas plates, and put wreaths and candle lights in our windows. My sister starts to make cookies and plays christmas songs while she does it, making it difficult for me to later exterminate them from my mind. All in all, though, I do enjoy it, and my favorite song is the jazz "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire".
Indifference is present all of the world and I have also experienced it. Numerous times at various grocery stores, there would be a melancholy man or woman, ringing a bell, asking for donations for the Salvation Army. Everyone simply strolled by, intentionally ignoring them. People feel like others will help this charity, but if everyone is thinking this, who will help? I am also guilty of passing by these people in red, ringing the bells. I would give them money, but i have none myself.
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