Rachel's challenge was discussed in class. You read through the packet and saw the influence that one person can have. It is about passing it on--starting a chain reaction of acts of kindness. It is about making a difference.
To the left of this post is a link under music titled, Clarks--"Born to Late." This is a local band from Pennsylvania who performs regularly in Cleveland. Click on the link and listen to their song. The link will take you to YouTube where you can watch the video. Choose one of the people that is mentioned in the song to discuss the positive chain reaction that they started. Write about it in your post.
Once you have written about the individual in the song, write about yourself and the ways you can start a chain reaction. What can you do to make a difference in the life of another? Sometimes, it starts with a smile.
As you do this, please remember that the person from the song who is chosen to be written about may be a religious figure. Do not take this opportunity to tell them their beliefs are wrong simply because you disagree. This post is for positive thinking and has a positive focus. Thank you for honoring this idea.