How do we define POWER? Throughout the world, I hear people say they feel powerless, they have no power etc. How do we have power? How do we get it? Why do some people have more than others?
In many political debates it is argued that the Republicans take from the Democrats. Is this about power?
When we are at home, who has the power?
Is there ever a time when power won't exist?
Think about the idea of power. Who do you know who has power? How did they get it? What does it mean be powerless?
Feel free to argue against the thoughts of others. Feel free to comment, intelligently, about what other have to say about power. I give you the power to do this.
Power is diffrent refering to what exactly they have the power to do. At home the parents have the power over the children because the parents are older, wiser, and stronger. In governmet the head of the three branchs in our democracy would have more power over the commen citizens because they have the power to make desisions. Yet the votes on the people have power over the governmet officials because those votes will put them into office or take them out, our votes give them the power to have some power govern us. As a young person I have limited powers then others... for example I am not yet of age to vote, but I do have some minor powers such as I have the power to deside what I want to eat or what I want to wear. I think as one gets older they gradualy gain power.
Power has many meanings is what i think of it because it depends what peoples values are like if someone values their own life than someone could have power by threatening their life like in shooter. I also think power is a manipulative force like in government you need to be able to pursuade people to be on your side to win an election or pass a bill. power is all in valyues purely values because just think about it if some one doesn't value their life and they don't care about their family than one has no way to manipulte one to do what one wants.
A simple word that is capable of being shattered and/or broken down into numerous factions/facets.
I view power as a position- The Alpha male in a wolf pack has power. The teacher instructing a class has power. The adults of the house carry power. The one in charge of, whatever that "of" may be, has power.
However, I stray away from that opinion for a moment.
When someone is placed in a situation, whatever that situation may be, and they are given no choice pertaining to the decisions that form laws/regulations/concequences resulting from such decisions, that is when an individual is deemed powerless. Whether those decisions have been made by a Communist Russia and the unwilling people of Germany, or between a stern father disciplining a naughty child- the one who dominates the other has power.
A generic answer, but a true one, nonetheless; my mother and my father have power. They did not complete a shiny plastic form, nor did they petition for world peace and receive a prize- they came to "power" by simply inheriting it, or rather, producing it; me! Power is authority- Naturally, children do not have authority, but as we grow older, as Cynthia said, we obtain larger quantities of this so called power.
People who are in charge or the leader in an orginization have the most power. The President has the most power in the Goverent, a teacher has power in a classroom, parents have power in their family. People gain this power through their job. The president is elected, and he uses his power to make decisions. Teachers are hired to educate children, giving them the power. If someone is powerless it means they are in a lower rank and have less control.
I think power can mean a various amount of things. Power can mean strength, in charge of, or even special moves/powers that they have. It can also mean in head of everything or everybody. When we are at home our parents or older siblings are in charge or has the power. Some people that I know that have power are the kings and queens, president, teachers, and many others. People get these powers because of the laws, elections, and being older and more mature. To be powerless means that you can't do anything to stop something or don't have money sometimes. When you don't have money, you can't buy the things you want, and you can't do a lot of other things.
I think power can mean a various amount of things. Power can mean strength, in charge of, or even special moves/powers that they have. It can also mean in head of everything or everybody. When we are at home our parents or older siblings are in charge or has the power. Some people that I know that have power are the kings and queens, president, teachers, and many others. People get these powers because of the laws, elections, and being older and more mature. To be powerless means that you can't do anything to stop something or don't have money sometimes. When you don't have money, you can't buy the things you want, and you can't do a lot of other things.
-A. Stertzbach-
People who are a leader of a country or even a small group, has power. Everybody has a power that they can use. Children have limited powers because we are young and weaker than our parents who care for us. Adults have less limited powers because they are mostly in control of themselves.
Power... a very strong term in the eyes of the corrupt. People tend to fight over it many times. But it's whether you use your power for the good of others or for the good of only yourself that’s the problem. People have gained power throughout the centuries, conquering the world, bending the minds of the people, and destroying any rebellion that comes their way. That’s why the government has power over we the people. Learn to have a voice for yourself, know that you can be heard over the leaders of the world, let them know you’re there, and then you just might have the power to overcome them and rewrite the wrong. Don’t change America; change the idea the world has of America! I’m saying this because I know what World Power is to the people. For power can give us the protection and knowledge of what this world expects us to be. For America is not the center of the world, same as how the Earth is not the center of the universe. We are all in this together, for if one falls we all fall, if we all fall we fall as one. What is power? Power isn’t one thing and isn’t created by one thing either. Power is to be able to have the experience, popularity, knowledge, and persuasion over others. To be one with the people, you are either known for something bad or for something good yet you are still known because you were that one person that led the way to new thinking. You have more power or less than others based on those that listen to you, having the power means to be able to inspire at least one person and knowing that someone will listen to your words of wisdom. At home aren’t your parents the ones with power? Why do they have the power though? They deserve this power because they are the wise elders that will teach you all they know about the world. Our elders are our teachers for they have experience, they know what is to be done in the world and you should give them that power by knowing that you respect the ideas that they are giving you. Power is going by your views and sticking by them no matter what you think your views are about the world. The thing is I don’t agree with power being able to become instantly broken down, for there is one person, or group of people that made the rules of the world about power and they wouldn’t want to have this like what Pappas says, power is not a position, it’s a state of mind that people think there should be power in this world of unjust differences. I don’t agree with Cynthia that power is having the advantages of taking control on what to do just because they are older, wiser and stronger there’s better reasons for them to have the power than just that and I know it. The truth is that in the end there will never be a world without power for the government shall always think that all people cannot be controlled, but if we were all angels we wouldn’t need a government. It is true that we are all not angels but that does not mean that we are all devils. The weak, those without a voice, too scared to go out there and to say that they want change, are said to be those that are powerless. Well I guess differently, those that are quiet, are just listening to the conversations going by and as they keep on listening they will know how to talk and when they know how to talk they will soon have the power. You just wait, Mr. President, you just wait…
Power is differnt on all sorts of levels. Like the parents of a home they have the most say. But power is a strong word that some people my take in a bad way as if the other person is saying they have controll over them. Others may look at it as a chance to speak or be in the spot light. Power is a big thing that comes with even bigger responceibilitys
Renae Trundy
Power is having control. Power is having the choice to make decisions. My parents have power over me. My teachers have power over me. I have power over my dogs. My parents have the power to tell me what to do. I dont have the power to tell my parents what to do. Having power is feeling strong and like nobody can stop you. I agree that power can change meaning based on each person. Sometimes, like in government, someone other than the common person needs to have power becuase the common person is not educated enough to know what to do with the power and there needs to be somebody that knows what they are doing to have the power.
Many different people can have power. If someone is powerful it makes me think that they have control over someone or something. There is a good power and a bad power. Good power is when the power does not go to your head and you use this power efficiently. Bad power is when you let the power go to your head and use your power in a way that is wrong. One example of a person who used bad power is Hitler. To be powerful you do not have to rule a country, you could just have power over the remote or something small. Everyone can be powerful if they try and use their strengths.
I believe knowledge is power but power isn't nessecarily (sp?) knowledge. Like Tia said, parents have power over us at home because we respect them and they provide for us. Same with the government. The government provides us protection (sorry Dragan its not out to get us) and in return we give them respect and unfortunately taxes. Power is gained by proving yourself to others to be a good leader or a strong person, phsically/mentally/emotionally. Whichever the certain position of power requires.
Power in almost all forms is a complete joke. There are two main reasons that people, an organization or a government has power: Fear of consequences used to control or mutual respect with the controlled. For example, one does not have to listen to their parents, one chooses to give them power by submitting to the parents authority that they have also given to the parents because deep down inside they either respect or fear them enough to listen. Like a government forces people to obey by scaring them with consequences like jail. People submit to corrupt authority too, if they are afraid enough. A person is powerless when they have no morals and most people who thing they are powerless are just controlled. Standing up to a corrupt power is power, because people will respect you for it. People need to stop complaining about being powerless and fight the power! Tear down the government! Stick it to the man! They need to stand up to the force that holds them captive and free themselves like Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. did to get us the same rights as the white people! If you are a captive you must be set free by standing up to the power so you can get power of your own. You may die, but it is better to go down fighting than to go down caged in like an animal. All of this said there is one who has supreme power. God. He controls your very existence. If you choose to disobey him, you face hell, the ultimate penalty of burning fire, brimstone and death. Again, you can choose to disobey God but you WILL FACE THE CONSEQUENCES. Unlike the previous examples I gave, this is permanent. You can get out of jail, you can’t escape from hell. If you disagree with this, I don't really care because I'm right. If you disagree I dare you to question me. To the blog and to my face (if you know who I am). The name is Nathanael Hunter. Challenge my ideas. You will fail.
P.S. Dragan you sound like you are threatening to kill Barrack Obama with your closing line.
Abbey im sorry but Dragan is right the government, or THE MAN, is out to control every aspect of our existance.
power is authority over others. For example our parents have power. they have the power to ground us,they have the power to decide what we eat, what movies we see, what things we can watch. they get this power naturally. They are the parents whether we like it or not we have to obey. there really is no choice.
To me power is about control. They go hand in hand. I feel most comfortable when i have some power in my life and i feel like everything all goes the right way. When I think of power I think about the government a lot. They have a lot of power in the world. Some people feel they have too much power in the lives of people. Power is something for teens that can become a problem they have more power in there lives as they grow older. They have the power to make a lot of their own decisions and that is a big deal. Depending on how they make there decisions can determine how they react with the new power they recieve and if they that power. Parents have a lot of power in the households. They make pretty much all of the decisions in the house. Sometimes this can bother people like it does with me i try to fight there power and sometimes there are consequences for that
christina layne
What can I say? I'm a strong topic when it comes to power and the government!
Adam H. 6-7
power to me is an overly expresed thing. To me, power is just something that is used to get jobs done and is abused by some people. Some people use it to make others feel bad so that they can feel better about themselves.
People who are older I feel usually have more power than younger kids or teens. As in parents or teachers and people in the government, they are after all the ones who decide our laws, rules and tell us what is right or wrong. Our parents just inherit power because they are the heads of our house and always want whats best for us I think. They know what is best for us too. But many kids I know feel powerless because they feel too much under the control of their parents or coaches, they feel like thier opinion or how what they want to do doesnt matter just because of their age or whatever, so I think sometimes parents or people in power need to step back and give s some power and freedoms of our own.
Power means that you have authority over people. You can control people. I think parents have power because they can tell you what to do and they pretty mucs own you. I think people get power if they own something and if it is their own property. To be powerless means you can't control people and people probably don't listen to you and don't want to do what you say. I also think the preident has power. He has power on how to run the country. He can say how things will be ran. Mayors, principles, and preidents have power.
Power is having something over someone or something else. People that have power are dependant on the people who think they do have power. If people don't think someone has power they don't have power. Power also has to do with your perspective. Some people think atheletes and body builders are powerful. Others think inteligent people are powerful. The only thing that is for sure is if you feel powerless people know you are powerless
Power comes on different levels. Anyone can gain power depending on who they're around or where they are. When someone is respected, they are given power. A big role of power is leadership. As soon as someone is given the role of leadership, their control of power completely changes, such as the president. One person should never be given all of the power, it should somehow be divided, like our government. Also, with age comes power. Most people are given power over their own lives as they grow older and older. Having power is being able to make decisions for onself. A mother can only have power over their child for so long. I think that being surrounded by people who respect me and surrounding myself with people I respect causes power to somehow be eliminated, or evened out to the point where it is unexistant. I think that power and responsibility go hand in hand. Like the spider man quote: "With great power comes great responsibility." As soon as one takes on a leadership role and gains power, this automatically causes them to take on responsibility.
Wow, Dragon. You feel strongly about this, don't you? :)
Nathaneal, you are sadly mistaken. 'God' has no power. The belief holds power, but the myth itself holds none. What's a God that no one has any proof of existence? That no one knows the face of? If he "controlled my existence", why would I be doubting him? If he had power he'd do something about it. I disobey 'God' and I'm ready to accept any consequences. But if nothing is happening, where is his power? Any power 'he' has comes from people like you who try to scare people like me into becoming brainwashed by a certain belief. That myth thrives off of people believing in its absurdity. What gives it power is its ability to completely take over someone’s life. I consider that power. 'He' himself carries no power. It's the churches with the real power. They have people eating out of the palms of their hands. Having crowds of people flock to bow before the invisible week after week, year after year, now THAT'S power. But is it a good kind of power? I think not. The church is manipulating these people to regurgitate the information shoved down their throats. Power is just as you said, standing up to a corrupt power. Well here I am standing up to it. Brainwashing people is power, but turning them into religion spewing machines with details that don't at all make sense in the face of science is corruption. God has no power. Those who oppose that delusion have real power. I won't be going anywhere called 'hell' or 'heaven'. I'll be rotting in the ground just like everyone else. Unless anyone has the power to stop reality. Look to the sky, say your prayers, your only giving power where power isn't deserved. You have the power to control your own destiny, 'God' or any other mythical being has no say about that. When all your prayers go unanswered, you'll realize what power is. It's rejecting the deception of organizations with too much power, and living with your own power. Don't be another puppet on a string.
Wow, I can't believe how heated up people are getting about this topic! People are really writing on here. I think power, on a basic level, is the feeling of control. I think the desire for power lies within everyone. People always want to have power over almost everything. I don't see how we got on the topic of government, but to add to that, I think the government (regardless of the type) holds more power than anything. This is especially true in fascist governments.
i think tha children only have the power to make decisions in life. if your a parent or guardian tell the person that your in charge of what thier allowed and not allowed to do so they have power over you. also i think that power in a person is from what they love because if a person trys to harm them or what they love, that person is power.
Eliott Golod
Power,a small word with a big meaning. i think that our parents are a good example of power. they can tell us what to do expecting no negative feedback. they obtain this power just by waiting. they were children once, so they had to do chores, be bossed around, and listen and respect their parents. sometimes kids might feel powerless because they have no choice but to listen and do as they are told. however, anyone in the world has power, it just depends what they decide to do with it. they can go on to do great things, or they can decide to do nothing with it.
I think power is how much control you have over someone or to something. Like at home your parents have more power than you do. This is because at home the parents are smarter and make smarter choices, they are older and stronger than the children. i think you eventually earn the power when you receive it, in a way its like trust, you earn power. You just don't have it. Some people are more responsible and wiser than others, and makes better choices. I do think that government is about power but not between the political parties, the president has the most power in the United States. I think at times, there isn't not be any power, because there are not any reasons for power to exist sometimes. I mean there will always be power, but not in every situation, you gain power as you progress or get older. And smarter.
katie m. 4/5
Power is like being the bigger man. If you are in power then you are controling something. Whether its the gov't controling we the people. Or parents controling their kids. Why is there power? So that there is a structure to life. So you are guided in the right direction. Everyone has power and everyone has a power ruling them as well. I think as we get older and wiser we gain power. Something Dragon wishes he had!
I think power is just something given to a person or group of people by another person or group of people. Somewhat like Nathanael said your parents are not powerful unless you obey and GIVE it to them. If you do that, that gives them power. Same with a group at a school. The "popular" people are only popular because people let them be that way. If people did not say they are popular, they would not be popular. Now maybe at some school the "popular" have power, but the people around those people decide. I don't think powerless is something that is real. I think it is something someone thinks about themself. A person may think they are powerless, but they aren't really powerless. Having no power is nothing to be mad or upset about. It just shows that the people around you won't give you something. It is just a gift you are not given. No one is really powerless. Power does not exactly exist. Power is just people looking up to someone in a way that says those people are not as good as that one person or group who gets this "power." Those people giving out the power feel fear that problems will arise if they don;t give that power to the group or person.
I strongly agree with Nathanael. Power is the fear of dicipline, and the fear of being disrespectful, power is control, power is knowledge. Many people in the United States believe in an eye for an eye in government. There are multiple countries in Asia with this law. An eye for an eye means, if you steal you get one of your hands cut off. If you steal again the other is cut off so you can't steal anymore. Most places with laws like these have a lower crime rate because people don't want to face the consequences. They live in fear of the government that overpowers them. This control can be for the good or bad of man kind. Power can develop into things like a Dictator ship, but lack of power can create chaos in the world. Without a system, or an order people would be absolutely out of control doing whatever they want. So power can be good and bad. If you decide that the people with the most power right now like Obama aren't doing the right thing for your country then overpower them. There is only one president, and if you despise him enough along with the rest of the country you will have no problem with that, but you might have a little trouble getting everybody on your side that the president is an idiot because they have lack of knowledge. Maybe they don't listen to the facts. Maybe they just watch a channel that is completely biased. If you have power this will be easier because people will be scared of the consequences, and respect you more because of the knowledge you have, but if you lack in power people won't even give you the time of day and listen to what it is you have to say. They will think you don't have any knowledge. Which also is a form of power. If you are smart, and you do your research on something you are going to know more about that subject then the person who has no clue what they're even talking about. Who do you think people will be more willing to listen to? I say the person who did their research. So you can earn power, by gradually studying, and gaining information wherever you are. Respect on the other hand is passed down. You're parents have the power to control you until you are 18 because it is written in the constitution. This is a smart idea because until you are 18 you probably are not ready to have control/power over yourself; your parents probably have a much better idea about what is in your best interest, and about what it is that will make you successful, give you knowledge, and eventually power in life. Parents are definately powerful.
~Samantha Hoyt~
p.s. Jeff you said, "What's a God that no one has any proof of existence?". The god that you're speaking of has a name it's Yahweh. It is proven that he was a person; they just can't prove that the miracles he has done are real, but why not? God is history. History is gathering of things that only happen once; think about it. Science is the study of things that repeatedly happen. Why do we believe the crazy things that Julius Ceasar has done? It's because so many things point to it saying that's the most logical explanation. These things are printed as facts everywhere. God may not be the most logical explanation, but he is definately a possibility, and there have been multiple findings that help prove this point. People believe in him because of the power he may hold. What if there is a god? If there is then you know how many people are going to hell. That's why christians believe in him; it's because they're scared of him; and power is partically the fear of dicipline.
Now, I won't go into government while talking about power. I would like to talk about how power fits in with the ordinary citizen. While dealing with bullies, they only have power if you ALLOW them to feel powerful.Control and power mean the same thing to me. No one should be able to have power over you. Having power/control over yourself is what is important. Sure, there are those select few that just can't manage themselves and have to have someone step in to help them out. Power, to me, is being respected and being listened to.
-Carly Fleck
Power, to me, is when something/someone has enough status to dictate what other people think, believe, or do.
Forcing religion in people's faces and saying 'God. He controls your very existence. If you choose to disobey him, you face hell, the ultimate penalty of burning fire, brimstone and death. Again, you can choose to disobey God but you WILL FACE THE CONSEQUENCES.' is pretty intense and if you ask me, uncalled for. I guess I'll send you a post card from the firey depths of 'hell' then because God doesn't have power in my life. If he wanted me to 'obey him' wouldn't he wave a wand and make it that way? If you believe in God or some other Higher Being that's cool and everything but it isn't necessary to be a missionary and force people to believe something. Making people feel guilty or threatened for having opinions isn't cool. Just because someone doesn't believe in God does not make them a bad person or condem then to an 'afterlife' of dread. If you want to argue what I believe go ahead but I'm not going to change my opinions.
-Erin Zaranec! :)
I wiki'ed yahweh and it said it was another name for God. I looked other places that said the same thing. If you would be kind enough to direct me to a reference that isn't the bible that explains how 'yahweh' was a person, I'd like to see that. God or yahweh or whatever came to some dude as a burning bush, telling him rules for a religion. Does 'god' seem like a logical explanation for the ways things happen? The creation of the universe via god versus the big bang theory. God creates things with magic. The big bang theory is mostly scientifically possible. What findings prove god is a logical explanation? Maybe some scared christians? And if christians have a religion that prospers from fear of their god, what kind of religion is that? What kind of god would do that? If there was a god, wouldn't he have saved us by now? I'd gladly burn in hell for a sign that he exists. That'd just make my day.
Anyone else want to join in? hah
1)we define power as having money or having a ladership position.
2)we can be an important part of a company.
3)we can buy nice things to apear powerful.
4)it is like that b/c almost everyone needs or has a boss
5)yes it is
6)at home the parents have the power
7)i dont think so
8)parents, government officals, and bosses of companies.
9)they had kids, they are very smart when it came to polical science, they invented something or started their own organization
10)it means that you have nothing or none under you and that you cant control something.
Power is when someone is able to control someone else they could get them to do things they want. In the real world your parents are a figure of power they are older wiser and stronger they have power over there children. In government the president is in power he has the power to veto bills and people respect him. Often people respect the people in power because they want to be like them and come to power
Power is having control of things. We have power by being able to choose our own things and making our own decisions. We get power by growing up. The more we mature the more power we get. With getting older, we get more responsibilities. With more responsibilities comes more power. When your on your own you get to make choices that will effect the rest of your life. More people get power if they are more succesfull or wealthy. With wealth if you get in trouble you can try to get a bailout. In the politics debate, well I don't really understand that question.Sooo. In my house the people who have the most power is obviously my parents. They get the power to ground me,take away my phone, anything they want. I think the only time power won't exist is when your in Heaven. People no longer have power. Only God has it.
Power! Power!! Power!!! Drives you INSANE if your me. Everyone wants to have control, not control as in having power to take over others. But power as in domination, power over the people and knowing what to do to keep yourself in check. You can't trust anyone when you have the power. I am Dragan and I know that there can be "The Man" such as God, people don't agree with him existing or not. But isn't the idea of God within our hearts and minds. Deep in the back of our heads we know when the government is wrong, we know to rebel, we know to stand up, have that voice and agree with those against " Big Brother " by which I mean the government. Power. Power.. Power... I agree with Jeff that there might not be anything, I agree with Nathaneal that there might be something out there watching us. It's the general idea that drives us wondering. Waiting for that moment when we die that whether there will be someone waiting for us on the other side, or just vast darkness. The thing is, if there was God, God would make a place like this. There needs to be a little insanity, some sanity, a little bit of genius, a little bit of stupid, a little bit of angry, and a little bit of happy. Why? Because they make up our system. A system that we know we must follow, for if people were stripped away of their will and emotion. Would there be rebelion? Would there be war or peace? Would there be perfection? No!!! For the human needs to have their will to live, and the will is to survive and to know that in the planes of vast knowledge there is that little bit of emotion of wonder that lets you know... There is more to life than meets the eye. You just sometimes got to go against Mr. President and take the risk to know, for knowledge is our greatest power and power will defend us from our corrupt ways... and from our corrupt government. Find the light in your soul, and see that the darkness can be vanquished with your knowledge of how to destroy it. Know that there's always an answer, but it's better to know what your answer is for the true meaning of power! Power!! Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You all people that have written in this blog for reading these other blogs have given me another answer. And to "The Man" probably looking at this message. All I have to say is I'm not afraid. For I have the knowledge to face the darkness and knowledge that there is something good waiting for me on the other side for what I want to do for human history and thinking.
For as they say,
"God Bless America..."
There are many forms of power, "POWER" is what you make of it. Power is mostly interpreted as having control over someone or something. In stories, people with power either have money, slaves, control, intelligence, ect. Many people are saying that God has power, or God doesn’t have power. He’s not the only one that does or doesn’t have power. The president is considered to have power, your parents are considered to have power, some people in school may be considered to have more power than others. “Power” is an opinion. Your thoughts of power are not always going to be the same as other peoples thoughts about power. (Jeff and Nathaniel) Power, like I said before, is what you make of it.
-Erica Jacks 1*
Well put Dragan. And way to stay mostly neutral hah.
I have my ways...
A lot of people have been writing on this, the idea of power and God are both very interesting in the eyes of human obsesions. All Hail power, but for those that have no experience or knowledge I say good luck to you. POWER ALL MIGHTY... POWER TO THE LORD... POWER TO THOSE THAT KNOW... POWER TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE... POWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWERPOWER
I agree with you, Nathaneal, your the one that knows that "the Man" is trying to hold us down. We all need to be on our toes and wonder when they will strike to burn our books.
I agree with you, Jeff, because you share similar views but in a non-Godly position you are both right. But think of combining the ideas into one!!!! You may think of this to people as a new world of thinking.
This is where I come in... To interperet what has been written here, by the both of you. Include , most of my ideas about how this is going to work out and create a whole new version to the meaning of power!!!! I am Dragan. I believe though that we are here to be the messengers, Jeff, Nathaneal, and many others that want to revolutionize and get out of the way of the corrupt.
Say Yes! To the compounding knowledge of all into one. Say Yes! To those that think you know what you're talking about. Give a meaning for life. Let there be a reason to live, for we will never know what's on the other side if we don't find out with our knowledge combined together!
Power. The greatest thing anyone could ever want. People need power. The problem is it takes time to get that power. It really all depends on the age and wisdom of said person. For example your grandma has more power than your mother. Republicans have more power because they are older, smarter and wiser. This is why the usual look of a republican is an older male, because they are wise and replete with knowledge. This is why I am a republican. I am a smart and wise child. Maybe one day, people will understand that republicans are the smartest, and wisest.
BTW dragan and Nathaniel are for sure right and everybody else is wrong so ha:P
Power can be taken in so many different ways. It is a feeling that people get when they feelthat there are people who are less then them or below them.But when power is used for the wants for individual people and not others is when the people become power hungry and cant seem to stop. This is the reason so many problems in our economy. Eveything that gives or gets money can cause the want for power and also cause the problems. People in places of power, like the president governers, ever lower like pricipals and teachers have the want for power, but why do they want it? What is so appealing about power that people will fight util the death to gain it? Is it being able to cotrol other people or being looked up to? the answer is unknown and changes from different people but still since the first buisnesses erupted, people have wanted the power and still do as long as money is involved.
to be powerful can mean to be strong, or it can mean to influence something in a big way. something that is VERY powerful to me is God. "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." —1 Corinthians 1:17-18. he has the power to do anything! also anybody that is older has power over me. they earn power by growing up. they are wiser and stronger. parents are powerful. along with older siblings and teachers.
Don't get me started with your guy's little talk on Republicans and Democrats. For I say I don't really care on divisions between groups, for they just blur our vision on the outlook of life and other people. That's why we think different of other countries also. We make these kinds of idiotic decisions only to create worse views that we had of our own. It's best when you know what you're saying before you spit it out. That goes for the both of you. I don't care whether I'm a republican or a democrat for don't we all have to be smart ENOUGH to be able to do the jobs that we think our best. Power makes the world more and more complicated. That's why we shouldn't divide ourselves from eachother. If we unite we can one day stop the end of the world from coming. But that will never happen for we all think that our form of POWER is the best way. We think that we are our own world. I'm talking about every person in the world. You don't care much about the people do you? Because when you think of power you think of control all to yourself. Sins come out of power! That's why people fear and hate the government for they have power to control us.
We in today's society define power as control or rule over something or someone. Power is defined by status, leadership, and by getting elected to be in control and make the rules. We have power through clubs, leadership roles, success, and determination. Power is achieved by gaining it, earning power, or conquering things and getting confidence. I feel the political debates have to do with the attempt to gain power and the attempt to do what they think is right or will impress people, to gain power. When I am at home my mom and dad have the power to decide where we go, what we do, and how we do things. I think power exists almost all the time, because people want to have control, get things the way they want them, and will always feel the need for respect, which most feel goes with power. I know government officals and teachers, parents, and program leaders, along with heads of the programs and coaches all have power. THe government officials got the power through election, the teachers through the job, the coaches through the experience, and the parents through the age difference and caring for of people, so they earned and gained the respect. I feel to be powerless is helpless, not in charge, not important, not essential, and not to have aleadership role or job. I think the factor of being powerless is exaggerated by people because they can always lead or do something to effect or improve their life.
Holly Sarazin
Don't you just love it when people talk about the government?
I completly disagree with "Jeff". I'm not going to explain my beliefs to combat his thoughts. Ones' own biased beliefs based on ignorance are unable to be changed.
Ignorance –noun the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.
(this is directly from a dictionary)
any good Christian should be a little ticked off, just a little(how's that for sarcasm?)
To me, power is purely control. I actually agree with a lot of what Jeff said in his posts (other than the fact that God doesn't exist, I still believe in Him but I do believe we control our own lives). You give someone control of you if you fear them enough to believe there will be severe consequences for going against their beliefs. This control gives them the power to influence the decisions you make daily. I noticed several people said knowledge is power. But I don't think that's true. Anyone can gain power if they have enough people to blindly follow them.
Also, "Ctrussa", what you said about being a good Christian kind of bothered me. I do believe a lot of what Jeff said, which is why I do not attend Church services regularly. However, even though I dislike the Church I still believe in God.I'm sorry I'm not a 'good' Christian in your eyes.
Just because his beliefs are different from your own it does not make him ignorant. Everyone is entitled to their own beleifs and on this blog we are asked to share them. Just because someone doesn't see things the samw way you do doesn't make their view bad or ignorant or stupid. It's all about tolerance of other people and their personal beliefs.
-Nicole 1st period
Also, I don't like seeing my religion as something I fear. It's not healthy to think every mistake you make will send you straight to hell. I prefer to think that if you live your life as the best person you can be thats all that counts. I don't believe in God because I fear God.I believe in God for my own reasons which I prefer not to state.
I am not Judging anyone's Christianity
He is allowed to express his beliefs but I am not?
p.s. reread definition of ignorance, hint... has nothing to do with stupidity or "bad". CHILL
Also, I don't believe that God gets power from us. God is God and he has power. We don't obey him because we have fear. God is the only one with REAL power. We don't supply or give him power.
The person with the most power is the most respected person. At home parents think they deserve the most respect, so they have the most power. Everyone has some powers. Just making a choice on if you do your homework or not is showing power.
Power means to be in control over someone else and to be stronger. People look up to those who have more power then them. In a job, the boss has way more power then the employee's. They play a more important role and have more authority like the power to give directions, power to fire ohters, and power to do the harder job and make more money. Also teachers have more power then the students. They have the power to give us work and tests, yell at us, and teach us. The principal has more power over the teachers though because they can fire the teachers and tell them if they are doing something wrong. Our parents have more power over us kids. They can tell us what to do and ground us. But higher power also needs more responsibility and disapline. So mostly people with more power are older and wiser.
Ahhaha ctrussa how bitter. Who knew Christians could be so hateful? Personally attacking me over a blog? Mrs.Perrin can you see this? I'm offended! Ignorent? What would jesus do? I'm sure he wouldn't call me ignorent. You say your such a good Catholic, but do good Catholics slam people's opinions like that? If you would've respectfully disagreed with it, fine, believe what you want. But that was uncalled for. If you want to have an intelligent debate I'm all for it. I think I'm pretty informed, I'm not making these things up. They are my opinions. Not ignorence. Such disrespect...
people say power is measured by the size of somebodys arms legs etc. Sure having a big body is having a pwerful body, but what people do not relize is that power is not measured on how big your arms are, power is having confidence saying the right thing being respectful, but the most powerful is your heart. the comment next to mine says that parents have power over u, which they do but your parents are not going to be there when u are out there alone its the size of your heart that meassures the drive of success and gives the human being power to do whatever he or she pleases, When was the last time u saw a body builder president? you dont. the most powerful man in the world is probably 5 feet 8 inches, theres one thing u cant measure, and that is your heart, u cant measure a dream.
Power is not measured by the size of your arms like some people may think is, the biggest man in the world can have a soft heart and have no idea where he is going in life and what to do with it. being powerful is having the confidence to do what u want to do and not standing there doing nothing while u watch people have very succesful lives. Inside every person is something that cant be measured as to strength, that is your heart.Your heart will take u as far as you want it to, nobody can measure your heart and nobody can tell u that you cant do someting.
We've got some angry comments happening here! Nice. Ok Mike Wheeler thinks that power is the feeling of having the ability to change something. For example, if someone proposes a bill and it gets through for the president to sign or veto, then the president has the POWER to make it a law or send it back. Power is a tool more than anything. Power can intimidate someone, make them feel good, deny something, or accept it. We all have some form of power. But some power seems more significant than other power. I don't know if it's true or not. I think it is but I'm not sure. Different power is used in different ways.
Now I'm gonna get in this Jeff battle thing. So you want to know why God doesn't stop you from not believing in him. It's called free will. What would the point be in God controlling every single move you make. That's like playing with a bunch of toys or dolls. Now I don't deny the Big Bang Theory. It might be true it might not be. nobody knows. But I believe that it wasn't random. I believe it was a controlled event. I think someone or something had the power to make it happen. As far as Jeff's ignorance goes, I don't think he is being ignorant or stupid. I think he just hasn't heard very much proof that God DOES exist. My guess is that he has heard lots of reasons to believe God DOESN'T exist. I don't hate anyone no matter what they believe. So Jeff, if you disagree, then whatever. I don't care very much. Maybe we can all just leave it at that. Some people believe in God, and some people just don't.
Power is given to the that the other people fear basicly. The teachers of Brunswick High have power because they can punish us, we in return have the power to not listen to them. The teachers have power because it was assigned to them by a higher power. No matter how much power one person can draw out, the next person can just use their power to defy the previous claim. If I suddenly say I'm not following (random law) anymore, I gain power, the enforcers could say you lose a hand and they get back the power. A person can not be powerless no matter how hard they try. One will always have control over something or another. Even if I was the weakest, whitest and smallest kid in school, I still have the power to blink, write and operate blenders. One often forgets how much power they actually have. God maintains some power due to the fact that us people put it in him, we assign the power to him because we want to or someone of power told us to. Sometimes, the church has the power to make us believe in him. We have the power to deny God, but will we be denied the power to have any "future benifets?". I don't know I unfortunatly don't have the power to find out.
In my opinion, power has a very strong meaning behind it. Power means having absolute conrol over eveything. The best example of having power is a king. Having power means having a huge amount of strength. In America, the people have the power, also known as a democracy. When i hear the word power, the first word that pops in to my head is dictator. In my house, i have very limited power. The people in charge are my parents, who make up the rules. When people say that they feel powerless, they mean that they have no control over any decisions.
Good blog Mike Wheeler i agree with your thoughts
Who says God's controlling anything? Where's the proof? Colin or Mike? Since you both seem to see some kind of proof.
Here I am again.
To Everybody:
Im sorry if I made it sound like God is a guy out to scare everyone he isnt. I tried to say that you have the choice to decide one way or another but I was making it clear what would happen. Also i don't believe in God because of fear, I beleive in him because I have seen his power at work and how good it feels to be with god and i want all of you to feel that too, but if you refuse there is nothing I can do.
To Jeff: I agree with mike when he says God gave you free will that is why you are doubting him because he gave you the choice to do so. the power God has in the earth doesn't come from fear, it comes from the church's belief that God is our provider and protecter. The church doesn't manipulate people, people come out of thier own free will. And by the way my prayers are answered which, serves as proof that my god exists. And his name is Yahweh. An did you accuall figure out what yahweh means? I AM WHAT I AM. my god is what he is and he is my protecter my provider my heavenly father and my answerer of prayers among other things (fyi God has many names including one for each of these. If you want me to I can give you a list of his names and their meanings) For the reason god wont save us now is because people like you say, "There is no God!" If you don't beleive in him that how do you expect him to save you? And if yopu want a sign he exsits read the book "The Case for Christ" It will scientificly prove the story of Jesus is true and that God exists. And Ctrussa was not attacking you over a blog so stop being a baby and suck it up. If you have radical godless beliefs I figured you would know you were goin to make christians like me and Colin and Mike and Samantha a bit mad. And you are ignorant because you know nothing about what it means to be a true christian yet you turn your nose up at it. If your going to critize my faith learn more about it and stop accusing my friends of harrassing you. Mrs Perrin gave us permission to argue ideas so ur critizing colin for critizing u is a litte 'uncalled for' in the words of your girlfriend. On a lighter note we do share a lot of the same ideas about power, though you apply your ideas with atheism while apply mine in Christianity. Ill be waiting for your reply
Jeff the proof is what hes done in my life read the P.S to discuss it with me
To Dragan:
THank You for your neutral view on things. I agree with the whole messenger thing. You and I are here to lead the fight against corruption and we must be united under at least one banner. In our case, hatred for those who control us and belief that we can belive in something to help set us free.
To Samantha:
I'm glad that someone agrees with my stance on power. I'm even more glad that someone else disagrees with Jeff. But not all christians are afraid. That is a stereotype like "black people are lazy" or "the mullato is a mongrel race that will ruin us all" Just because some christians obey out of fear doesnt mean we all do
To 'ctrussa':
Colin I understood what you were saying. You werent being hateful.(and all those who questioned him, you were ignorant. cry me a river)
To nicole:
I have been to some churches that makes Jeffs fabrications seem true so I dont blame you for agreeing. but not all churches are like the portrait Jeff so kindly painted for us. And I know Colin personally and he wasnt trying to offend anyone, except Jeff. And I don't beleive that every mistake will send you to hell, because god forgives and god forgets all of you sins. No matter what youve done or what youve said god will forgive you...if you ask him.
To Mike Wheeler:I know ive gotten mad at you before but when it comes to god we beieve the same. Thank You for introducing Jeff to free will.
To Steven D: yes you do have the power, if you belive in God you will know where you will end up
To Mrs. Perrin:
Incase you were wondering, I meant to cause this controversy and I knew Id have oppenents but i discovered a few un likey friend
In Closing:
"For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whoever shall believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
P.S. Jeff be ready for open debate tomarrow before science class, me and colin are coming for you.
Wow Nathanael you are an amazing inspiration
and my whole family agrees, thanks
AHAHAHA, I love Jeff and everyone that disagrees with him! x]
On a different note I believe a lot of power is obtained through violence. When I go to shows the people with the most power are always the kids in the pit who are brutally destroying everyone else. Us fearing them gives them power.
To be powerless means to have no say in whatever something is. You cannot put forth your opinion or give any direction. You do as you are ordered and that's it.
AHAHAHA, I love Jeff and everyone that disagrees with him! x]
On a different note I believe a lot of power is obtained through violence. When I go to shows the people with the most power are always the kids in the pit who are brutally destroying everyone else. Us fearing them gives them power.
To be powerless means to have no say in whatever something is. You cannot put forth your opinion or give any direction. You do as you are ordered and that's it.
Jeff- What caused the Big Bang if that's what created the have trillions cells in your body. Each cell has 40 parts .Thats quite a few parts. And they all have a different function. What created those cells?I have proof to believe in God. Do you have proof not to believe in God? Do you have proof to think that any of your theories are correct? Im asking about theories that aren't based off of what some other person decided to believe. I'm not saying you have any that are based off of other people's beliefs. Just in case you do base your beliefs off of other people's beliefs. What if you're wrong? That'd suck. Try looking up things that say God is real instead of things that say God isn't real.
I personnally think power is half skill half luck. To be in a position to get in power you have to be in the right place at the right time. But you also have to be talented enough to gain that power. you have to be able to get people to agree with you. I think another part of it is being sneaky.
Now in our U.S economy power is voted on by the people and I don't think that will change, so this high emd power, to me, is unchanging. Now small power like managing of a sports team is all about who you know and how much money you have, and it gets worse and worse every time. Now if power is knoledge, like it that way, then you get more powerful as you get older. And lastly, Democratics and rebublicans have an equal chance of getting in powere, but a think republicans want it more, which isn't neccasirly a bad thing.
the one ending with neccasirly a bad thing is alex morgano
Hey Nathanael!Your sarcastic quip about me really wasn't necessary..but whatever. This whole religion thing is getting pretty ridiculous. I think it's amusing that people can't get over the fact that not everyone is willing to bow down to some invisible fairy. Before you go around calling others ignorant maybe you should read what you're saying; atheism is the doctrine or belif that there is no God.(I can look up things on too.) I love how you're calling people ignorant when I'm sure you haven't attempted to understand their belifs. People are entitled to their opinions and I'm pretty sure the point of this blog is to share them. &There is a difference between having intelligent debates and attacking people and I'm pretty you're about to cross the line.
Jeff I didn't want to sass you originally but it came to that. I felt like you sassed me first and I came back with a sass
Know what you believe is inside! You are the chooser of your own destiny, not others! That's what true power is to me, having the power to know what you're doing, what you believe in, and what you think is offensive or not to the people. Don't struggle to find your faith when the answer is clear: Look In Your Heart! You will find the answer there because that is where your truths are, not others. Once you understand yourself you can understand the world. You know what they think, what you think, what they want, and what they need from you. You need to know these things if you want to SUCCEED! Be the person you want to be, sure follow your heart, but also listen to your head. You know when your heart's giving the wrong messages. For the mind's what controls the body. The heart's only what makes you exist. So would you listen to what exists in the world or what controls the world??? It's all up to your reason. Your heart and mind are 2 different things and think the same. But it's your choice on whether to be stupid and disagree with what you believe in rather than disagree with what THEY believe in. Knowledge is only an illusion that wraps around the mind. We cannot grasp knowledge for it only brings further questioning! That is why humans will never get the answers to their biggest questions unless they solve their little problems in the existing world. Power is to control the existing world. But it is imagination and creativity that control your power on your thoughts.
Read this and I think it might solve some problems to this whole God or no God argument!!! This is basically what the whole blog has turned into thanks to
Nathaneal, Collin, and Jeff.
I'd just like to stop this from going any further. People have argued about this before and all have failed! You can't convert!
No one knows what created the original cells that caused the Big Bang. But me saying a purple kangaroo creating them has just as much relevence as saying some magical being did. Yes Mike I have proof not to believe in God its what I've been saying this whole time. I don't need to crowd my brain with your proof that God is real. I might as well go read a child's fantasy book. It would give me the same effect. In all respect K mcnamara, I completely disagree with you too so hah. If God loved us, he wouldn't be letting innocent people die everyday.
Jeff i totaly disagree with u.
(please excuse my spelling, i can not spell)
i have no idea what kind of church u went to, go to, or if u have even been to church before but all these thing you are talking about god not having power and the church having power. thats not how my church is, i have a choice whether or not to go to church and everyweek i do. in my church god has all the power. were not just a church were a body of christ we represtent him. every person is important and plays a key roll in this body, as for "controlling your existence" god is not going to force you to belive him he is going to give you the choice to relize it on you own, he is with u all the time showing u in big and little ways he exist. god has a plan for us and sometimes things dont go r way but he has a life plan for everyone. if we could control life then it would be perfect but we cant so not everything can go our way. i wish you would not loose hope in god so quickly. god loves you and is waiting with his arms opean wide for you.
its not a competition its my opinion
Stand your ground Jeff!
Stand your ground Collin!
Stand your ground Nathanael!
I feel that you guys are all collected here for a reason...
You all share same values...
You at least have the power to stand for what you believe, what you want and to never back down.
Yet I always have that feeling that there is something in common to all three of your ideas because there are ways that illusions such as your thoughts that tell what's right from wrong.
There can be a God, but there also can be Faith! That's why GOD was brought up. For faith... Faith that one day we can all realize that all our ideas are common to one thing... and that's our belief and faith that there is something worth typing down onto this blog in our heads. Waiting to come out and tell the world, "Hey! I have faith in my belief, because the idea of God is in all of us and we all know that if there was no such thing as religion, where would our morals come from? Where would our faith come from? Belief? Or our curiosity in finding these answers? For life does have many questions and some are just best remained unsolved for the good of mankind.
Well said Dragan. "Know what you believe is inside!" That post put an end to the debate. Nicely done.
Power varies considering the situation. for example, parents have power over their children because they are older, and haved earned and gained this power because they know what's best for us. People get power in many ways. Some work for power, such as heads of large companies. They went to college and they worked to get the power they have over that company. Others Just seize power, such as Hitler seized power over Germany. He did nothing to earn or prove himself worthy of the power, but simply took it. I think power can be good and bad. Power is necessary to preserve order, yet power can also give you a sense of dictation in which you misuse your power against others with less power. Poeple must be careful with power, for it may produce results that are unwelcome in any situation.
<3marna kebberly
power. most humans crave it but it is not necessarily always a great thing. sometimes people do not know how to use their power and just end up either wasting it or hurting others. like bullying is a type of power. when you can control others or suggesst ideas and they listen, are both types of power. also if someone has good leadership skills then ppl might respect the person more and feel more inclined to listen to them. the leader now has power. anastasia
Power can mean many of things. Just like your parent has the power over your household. Teachers have the power over their classroom. It means yea are the one to make the rules or the laws that everyone else has to follow.
To have power is to control events and people, but sadly, power is never stable. One moment you may think you're completely in control of something until and event occurs that takes that power away from you and gives it to someone else. Some people have more power than others because society isn't a eutopia where, idealistically, everyone is equal and there is no governing body or poverty or religion and so on. There will never be a time where power will cease to exist. It's in human nature to be better than others when you can be and when you're better than others, you can have power. Someone will always have power over someone else in the world. Even for the smallest, most innocent things like holding a new born baby, your the one with the power to let that baby thrive or kill it just because you didn't want it. Ways to get power are through lying and scheming, earning a high position, having better skill than someone who does the same thing, or fighting for it. ANd with that I'm done.
To have power is to control events and people, but sadly, power is never stable. One moment you may think you're completely in control of something until and event occurs that takes that power away from you and gives it to someone else. Some people have more power than others because society isn't a eutopia where, idealistically, everyone is equal and there is no governing body or poverty or religion and so on. There will never be a time where power will cease to exist. It's in human nature to be better than others when you can be and when you're better than others, you can have power. Someone will always have power over someone else in the world. Even for the smallest, most innocent things like holding a new born baby, your the one with the power to let that baby thrive or kill it just because you didn't want it. Ways to get power are through lying and scheming, earning a high position, having better skill than someone who does the same thing, or fighting for it. ANd with that I'm done.
eh sorry that trang2005 comment was mine
~Vinh Trinh
Okay erin im sorry for the sarcasm but, if you think wat im doing is over the line, you better be telling jef the same thing b.c I havent gone anywhere he hasn't.
Power I look at it as another word for will. Power is qhat world leader have the will to lead a country. Power can be broken down in to sections to. We may think others have more power then we will ever have but if you have a will then you have power. I sometimes feel like i have power but when I don't I feel weak. Sometimes when you use powerful word you will feel as if you have gained back your power.
Everyone has a different amount of power. Depending on what they do or who they are. I think over all of us the president has the most power. In house holds parents have the most power and in school teachers have the most power. I think people like my dad for example become more important after working for a while. They can start out as someone that doesnt have very much power but overtime they become more important. I dont think that anyone is necessarily powerless because there could be someone that doesnt mean a lot in their job but if they wanted to protest against something they could make a difference.
C Sims
I agree with Colin. Jeff says that god has no power if you can't prove hes real. Whats life without God? What's life without believing that we all have a purpose on this earth and that when were gone we go somewhere far beyond the world we know now? Life itself has no meaning if we dont feel there is something out there far beyond the minds of those around us. People on the brink of death look to God for meaning when they are about to fade away. There is definatly a purpose behind all of this. If God had no power, why is it that we look to him as a sign of goodness and belief? Jeff... you are ignorant just as Colin said.
i believe that power has many various meanins to it. power could mean that we have control over many people EX the president. another form of power is strength. i find it interesting to see how people get power. weither it be threw an election or threw making the game winning shot. i believe that the pqarents have the most power in a family
Power...didn't we do a quick write on this in the beginning of the year? Well, I think that power is having control
over someone else. I mean, yeah you can believe God Having power or believe in some other religion, but it all comes
down to one place - whoever you believe in (whoever that is), that person controls others. Christians, God tells you
what to do through the 10 Commandments and the bible. Other religions, I'm sure that you do something that your religion says you
should do and don't lie to me because unless you don't have a religion, I know you do. So, power is having control
over other people. whether a few as in an abusive firendship or a whole nation of people such as Hitler, those people
have command over other people, and they can give those that they have power over something to do. I not only think
that power is havng control of others, but I think that power is an IDEA!!! I mean, in the end, we all
die anayways, and if you can beat that by finding a spring of etarnal life, you be sure to call me.
-A. Muir
power is kinda of like those unwriten rules there is no serinmony or big party when power is given it can be given but not often power just is. power is a big deal to some but not to everyone power is a strong word.
kourtney thomas
Still bashing me eh christians? hahha so hateful! seanpward. I'll tell you what life without God is. It's a life free of someone controlling you. I don't live my life for anyone, especially not a God that won't even save his own suffering people. It takes more power to shut out a burden like that than to take it in. A "life without believing that when we're gone we go somewhere far beyond the world we know now" is more meaningful. I believe there is nothing after life, so I make the most out of my life. I don't waste my time praying. I live my life to its fullest potential because once it's over, it's over. There is no heaven. People who let life pass them by waiting for eternal happiness in heaven let a precious opportunity slip through their fingertips. For when they die, their brain decays in the ground along with the faith that fills it. You look to him as a sign of goodness and belief because YOU are ignorant. You are unaware that your life is passing you by while you dream of a heaven that will never be.
I wanted this to be over, but if you keep calling me ignorant, I'm not gonna just sit back and take it.
Power is often referred to as the amount of people or things you have at you command. Power can also refers to your influence on others. Another definiton is the amount of brute strength you have. Power comes in many forms teachers, principals, parents, the government, politicans, the police, etc. A lot of people command power but only to a certain degree. Power is envied by many. A lot of people are hungry for more power, thriving for it. People will sometimes do anything for power,to get the upper hand. Power however you difine is craved by every person and even animal. Power is good to have but can backfire.
-Nick Rienerth
If you believe that, Ok. Im not tryin to be mean or anything. If you don't believe in God than thats fine. And your not ignorant, you just believe different things than I do.
I wasn't directing anything at you, Alex. But thank you for being so respectful. These other people could learn a thing or two from you.
Power is when you you have control of something or when you are respected by people. When I am at home my parents have the power. Barack Obama has the power which we gave him. I think when you keep getting older you keep getting more and more power.
power is whatever one makes of it. it can be anything from being able to walk to being able to control countries. Everyone has power, but it is different within each person, whether they have the power to stand up against other people for their believs, if they have the power to make others follow their will, or if they have the power to make others feel inferior. people get power from withing and from people around you. when power comes from within it is based on your abilities and when it comes from other people it is usually associated with making other people feel down about themselfs. when someone is powerless it means that nomatter what they want to do, they can't because they are incapable. when people are powerless they feel weak and down. they feel like their is no reason for them. when i thing of someone being powerless i remember a quote from my grandpa "Powerless does not exsist unless you make it so." what i think he ment by that is that everyone has the power to do good and it is only not there if you don't engage in it and let it work through you.
i just want to tell Jeff something. when i read what you said about God it really crushed my heart. i won't shun you because you are an athiest but i would just like to say that living for God means no worries, and it makes you much more happy because you learn that God will make everything happen the way he wanted it to happen. if you believe that God doesn't save his starving people then thats your mind but i would like to say that God can only set the idea in motion and work through other people. he can't help them himself because he is not of this world. it is not his fault, but even if his plan goes wrong, he knew it would go wrong and he has another plan already set. it makes me sad to hear that you think that God traps you and that when you live your life for God then you are not living a free life because in fact that is exactly the opposite because God makes us free from the chains of the devil. if you still don't believe in him then thats fine because i can't force you but i will pray that you can at least take into consideration what i've said.
i think there are many ways in which people have power.
1)people think they have power because they have a lot of money
2)people that have a higher position in a job have power
3)parents have power over their children
4)the government has power over everyone
5)people that are athletes have power depending on how hard they workout
Power is taken place almost evrywhere. some places are government,households,people who have power or not can depend on there personal values. power can also mean the strength you have,the authority you have to take charge. anyone can creat there own power.
Power is taken place almost everyone. People who are leaders of governments have power,people in your households(parents) have power. power can depend on a persons personal values. Power can mean physically strong. It can mean you are in charge,teachers have power. we are all given power at some point. We can create our own power
Power means to have control of a situation or person. Political debates are all about power. POLITICAL FIGURES ARE POWER CRAZY!
They have power over us because they make laws and rules, and we always obey them. At home it goes in this order... parents, oldest chid through the youngest child. When the parents are home, they have the power.When they aren't home, the next oldest is in charge. The oldest person has the power in a family. No there will never be a time when power won't exist. We get power by either being the oldest one in the there or who ever is in control of a situation. To be powerless means to not have any control and it often means that they are the youngest. But as they get older, they get more power.
Power is a very strong word. It means many different things to many different people. I think power is having the ability to change the outcome of an event. People gain power through what they say and do. It is believed to have power to you must bigger, faster, and stuff like that, but there are many different types of power. I think the greatest type of power is the power that you get from your peers. Also i think that a great type of power comes with age. The power of knowledge. ps this is mike sarama from 6-7 period
lets just leave religion out of our school work it is getting pretty tense here. So lets root for the cavs today and get us another victory! and don't forget the browns!
Everybody has some type of power. Even if its power over a dog or younger brother or sister. You have power over your own life. Some people take their power to far, and some don't use their power at all. I would define power as something that can get out of control very fast.
~Katlin Fields~
I feel that power is the same thing as respect (sometimes). You gain power the older you are&have more power to do different things. Power can also be extrememly different from respect. For example, our government has a different type of power. Power is such a strong word and can be used in so many different ways and can be put to different levels.
I think the best definition for power is having complete control over things and actions. You can get power by either inheriting it, having it as a human right, birthright, by earning it, or from popularity. Some people have more power than others because they could inherit from their family, by making there way to the top one step at a time, or even because they might do something about it and try and earn that power. There are many reasons. The debates that argue that Republicans take from the Democrats could be about power in some cases, but not all. Usually in homes, the parents or those who "rule" or run the household will have the power in that house. Not always, but usually. I don't think that there will ever be a time where power won't exist. Power has been around since the beginning of time, and it will stay that way for centuries to come. Anyone can have power, and power can be good or bad, depending on what you do with it. The people I know that have power are my parents, elders, teachers, leaders of groups/clubs/and organizations, principals, the president, any government job, and many more. They can get it from inheriting it, working for it, it being a birthright, forcefully taking action, and many other ways depending on the person. What I think the definition of powerless is not always not having any power, but sometimes not wanting it, not caring about power, or not standing up for what you believe in. If your powerless than you have no control over what is happening to you, and you don't try to stop it.
Kelly Crabtree, 4-5th Peiod
I think power is when someone is in control. Many people are always fighting for power because it allows you to be in control and do what you want to do instead of what someone else tells you to do. It good to use power for a good thing instead of trying to having full domination over something, someone, country, or even the world. Power can always depend on the situation. For example at school the teachers have the power and at home parents have power.
It's different at times, for example when i have to do chores at home, my mom has the power, but when i have compete free time,i have the power. When i come home from track and school i have the power to then do what i want compared to when i have to sit in classes or work out for track. When my mom is at work i have the power because i am home alone taking care of things around the house. I don't think there will ever be a time when there will be no power because power could be merely the ability to choose what you want to do for the day even if it's nothing at all. so when i go to school the principal and teachers have the power to give me homework or take notes. when i come home my mom has the power, unless niether my mom or school has the power and then i have the power. So basically power is exchanged instead of lost. I think that being powerless only means you have less power than another person and their thinking or rules overpower yours
Ok, I read most of the comments and in class today Erin openly confronted everyone on the issue of Christianity vs. Atheism. I am really impressed with how everyone is speaking their mind on what they believe is the definition of power. The definition I give power is any one person, group of people, or object that is able to mentally or physically control a human being. The reason I say that an object is a form of power is because any one thing on Earth is able to control a human if they give it that much power in their lives. God is a great example when it comes to having power in a persons life. I believe that Jesus Christ, our Savior, is the ultimate power over everyone, Christian or not. If your Atheist, you don't believe in God, but He has more power in your life than you think. For all those, who have bashed Christianity and called Jesus a "fairy" or whatever, go ahead,but you should learn more about Christianity before you completely reject it. Everyone has their right to an opinion, it just gets out of control when a person drops an arrogant statement about an issue they don't believe in.
I completely disagree with your last statement, Jeff and Rachel I agree with you one hundred percent. I have been a Christian since I was in second grade and I have not been trapped or controlled by any means. Your statement, "For when they die, their brain decays in the ground along with the faith that fills it," is very contradictory. I know for a fact that when I die I won't just become a part of the Earth. I will go to Heaven with my savior, Jesus Christ, because I have chosen to follow Him. Another misconception of God, is that if He really loved His people, He wouldn't let bad things happen. This is false. God doesn't control our lives, he lives through us. Humans were sent to the Earth to be the messengers of His word because He has many plans for us. People do die and are harmed everyday, but He knows that. If he stopped everything bad from happening, what kind of life would that be? There would be no point in doing anything because we would know that Jesus would just fix whatever went wrong. Life is about making mistakes and finding out to live better each day. Jesus taught us how to live in the Bible and if we follow his teachings, everything will run smoothly. Smoothly does not need a perfect life, because no one is perfect, expect for Jesus Christ himself. Each human being on this earth was made in His image, but again THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE PERFECT. Life is about losing, getting hurt, messing up, heartbreak, and sinning. If we listen to God,we will end up in Heaven which is the greatest award of all. If you choose not to live by God's word, you won't experience that, and yes your brain will decay in the ground. I know my brain and faith won't , as well as a few of the people that posted on this blog topic. Maybe you should educated yourself on Christianity a little more, because it sounds like a few of you don't really know what it is at all.
God Bless,
When I said if you didn't believe in Christianity your brain will decay in the ground, I wasn't being completely clear. If you don't follow God, you will go to Hell, and if you want to believe that your brain will decay in the earth go ahead. I guess you want to live the shortest life possible in the most miserable place which is Earth. I personally choose to live my life on Earth in the Godliest way possible and when the time comes for me to go, I will go up to Heaven and live in peace forever. That makes more sense to me. Peace or Hell? Why would a person choose Hell? hmm, i have no idea
I think people have power if they think they do or if they have money. The president has power because he has a job that's important and he's really rich. It seems the richer you are the more power you have to do things you want. People take power in different ways though. Some people believe in religions were God or who ever they believe in has power. They believe they have the power to make life or take life away. To me God has power i believe in him. I guess power really depends on 3 things 1.if you have money 2.if you think your powerful and are confident and 3.Things you believe to have power.
Emily from first period
I think people have power if they think they do or if they have money. The president has power because he has a job that's important and he's really rich. It seems the richer you are the more power you have to do things you want. People take power in different ways though. Some people believe in religions were God or who ever they believe in has power. They believe they have the power to make life or take life away. To me God has power i believe in him. I guess power really depends on 3 things 1.if you have money 2.if you think your powerful and are confident and 3.Things you believe to have power.
Emily from first period
It hurts me to see people mistreated by their views, but as we all are as humans, we have to see something to believe it. If there were ever to be a God or not would there be a sign?
You don't find out which view is right or whether if both of them were either right until you die eating a subway sandwich. And that's too late. People see the after life, it's either nothing, or there's something there waiting. But the thing that we, the living, want to know about death is what happens. The thing is though you can never communicate with the dead! The answer of religion will never be solved. That's why there will never be peace, eternal answers, or wondering. You just gotta believe what you gotta believe.
–noun 1. ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.
2. political or national strength: the balance of power in Europe.
3. great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force.
4. the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy: power over men's minds.
5. political ascendancy or control in the government of a country, state, etc.: They attained power by overthrowing the legal government.
6. legal ability, capacity, or authority: the power of attorney.
7. delegated authority; authority granted to a person or persons in a particular office or capacity: the powers of the president.
8. a document or written statement conferring legal authority.
9. a person or thing that possesses or exercises authority or influence.
10. a state or nation having international authority or influence: The great powers held an international conference.
11. a military or naval force: The Spanish Armada was a mighty power.
12. Often, powers. a deity; divinity: the heavenly powers.
13. powers, Theology. an order of angels. Compare angel (def. 1).
14. Dialect. a large number or amount: There's a power of good eatin' at the church social.
15. Physics. a. work done or energy transferred per unit of time. Symbol: P
b. the time rate of doing work.
16. mechanical energy as distinguished from hand labor: a loom driven by power.
17. a particular form of mechanical or physical energy: hydroelectric power.
18. energy, force, or momentum: The door slammed shut, seemingly under its own power.
19. Mathematics. a. the product obtained by multiplying a quantity by itself one or more times: The third power of 2 is 8.
b. (of a number x) a number whose logarithm is a times the logarithm of x (and is called the ath power of x). Symbolically, y =xa is a number that satisfies the equation log y = a log x.
c. the exponent of an expression, as a in xa.
d. cardinal number (def. 2).
20. Optics. a. the magnifying capacity of a microscope, telescope, etc., expressed as the ratio of the diameter of the image to the diameter of the object. Compare magnification (def. 2).
b. the reciprocal of the focal length of a lens.
First off, this is how we define power, at least in the dictionary.
Secondly, I thought that picture was rather indiscriminate.
Also, is the republican/democrat thing suppossed to mean that republicans are superior?
No, there will never be a time when power doesn't exist, because at the time of the Big Bang, all of the energy and matter (and power) of the universe was created and will never be destroyed.
Everybody has some amount of power, and it is relative to who is describing or observing that person.
I will not argue with anyone
I hope you all have a great day.
Hi Mrs. Perrin, Tom and I wanted to post again just for fun and to let you know that we miss your class so much.
I think real power stems from a mindset that a person feels he is superior to another. So technically, anyone and everyone may think they have power, but in reality they may not. Because of this, power becomes a dangerous tool, which is why our government has checks and balances to stop power from taking over too much of democracy. I also think that sometimes, power is based on roles that you are born in, such as gender, race or age. This is what racists base their ideas on; they have more power than others just because their skin is a different color. Lastly, I think that power is a strong initiative that makes people what to commit something that is unethical, like war.
Have a nice Thanksgiving y'all.
Now here's a thought-provoking thought:
Without respect, power is divided, and this creates chaos.
If respect is given to someone, so is power, and this organizes the society that the power is in.
Think of it as that magic-wand thing. Whoever has the magic wand gets to talk and has the most share of the power in the room. If nobody respected the wand, nobody would have the majority of the power, and there would be no order.
Think about that thought for a while.
I hope you have a great day.
I win!
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