Good day! I went today to the pumpkin patch to buy pumpkins, apples and cornstalks. The tree were gorgeous--vibrant reds, golds, and oranges. The sun sat brightly in the sky.
I love October. This is when I celebrate my anniversary, visit the pumpkin patches, go on hayrides, and cook homemade chicken potpies. Everything looks beautiful draped in color.
Think about all of the things that you love! Write a list of the school appropriate things, people, moments, foods that you love. Explain what it is that you love about them.
Things I Love
1. I love family parties because I get to spend time with my family. We are a very close family and have alot of fun together.
2. I love Winter. With Winter comes winter break, Christmas, snow, and snow days (depending). I love snow because sometimes when it falls, it looks beautiful and will glisten and sparkle.
3. I love Disney World. I love it because I grew up watching Disney movies. My first trip there was when I was two. All the magic in the movies I watched, came alive. Since then, I have been there eight other times and never get bored or tired of Disney World.
4. I was born without the sense of smell. Even though I feel left out sometimes and miss out on all of the good smells, I love this gift of mine because it comes in handy when bad smells arise.
5. I also love to read. When I read, I go to different places and can totally forget about reality.
6. I also love my family. My family is always there for me. When I have problems, I will always have someone to talk to. My family is pretty big, most of the members being on my mom's side of the family. We all get along and love each other. We have a blast when we are together.
1. I love the Summer because of the smell of fires burning and barbeques going. It is also because I can sleep in every day.
2. I love dogs because they are always excited to be around me and the highlights of their day are getting food and seeing me come home from school.
3. I love a good cup of yogurt because they are fruity, delicious and healthy.
4. I love baseball because it's relaxing and I'm decent at it.
5. I love the winter because I like playing in the snow, sledding, and failing at snowboarding. Also, we get together with family once or twice during winter for Christmas.
6. I love my family because they don't stop me from succeeding and they encourage me to pursue things.
1)i love my family because there always going to be there for you and support you in the best way they can
2)i love my friends because we are always laughing at something and they make the day better
3)i love my computer because i can talk to my friends all the time
4)i love shopping because its one of my favorite things to do
5)i love all the great memories i have with my family because when i look back and think about them their so funny
6)i love my favorite t.v. shows because i get good laughs out of them.
I love winter. I love going outside in the morning and feeling the crisp air on my face and the clean breath in my lungs. I love having the day after a big snow storm for it to get really warm or at least what would be considered warm in the middle of december in
Ohio and having the snow melt on the trees and then for it to get cold again and to see the thin layer of ice on the tree branches. I love how white everything gets, so clean and fresh. Reminds me of all the good in this world when most often we are focused on the bad. I love the way winter makes everything so beautiful and magical. Winter is my favorite season, you know until about the middle of january when all I want is the warmth of summer. But I love it all the way
1. I love playing the piano. I enjoy playing because I like music, when I work for months on a really hard song and perform it well it makes me feel good.
2. I enjoy watching and entertaining little kids. I love babysitting and showing them that someone cares.
3. I love animals. I have 2 dogs, and wouldn't trade them for anything. I like animals because they can be cute and loving. I think they can understand when your mad or upset. I like how my dogs stay by me all day when I'm not feeling well.
4. I like riding my bike. I cannot drive so riding around in the summer with my friends is fun. We go places to get ice cream, swimming and running.
5. I enjoy going to ballet. I like ballet becuase it is calm, slow and relaxing.
6. My favorite season is the Winter. Winter is unique because it's the only time of year that you can look out the window and see white snow blanketing the ground. It also includes Christmas and my Birthday.
Chtistina Baxter
1. I love Summer, its warm and sunny, we get to swim and i love swimming, also my birthday is in the summer.
2. music, i love music. It helps my mood or increases it and i love singing to it.
3. I love my friends more than anything, they help me when im in a bad mood they beat up who ever caused it and we always have good times.
4.I love my big brother. I've looked up to him my entire life and he looks out for me.
5.I love reading, it helps me escape to a differnet universe and i can leave my troubled world for theirs.
6. Writing is one of my favorite things i love. I write all the time about whats in my head and everyone likes to read them, i enjoy writing because i want to do that when im older.
7.I love shoes! i cant really explain, i have more than 40 pairs of shoes and their differnet designs and colours and they look really good on me and i just love wearing them
Jessi 4-5
1. i love my family because i know they will always be there for me. 2. i love my friends because they will also always be there for me and they love to have fun(: 3. i love music because it is a way to sing to God and praise. 4.i love sunday because i go to church and i get to start a new week. 5. i love gymnastics because it is my favorite sport. 6. i love babies because they are cute and so pure.
1. One thing that I love is my dogs. I have 3 dogs. I love Maisy because I picked her out when I was little and I know she always loves me. I love it when she is near me. I also love to watch my puppies play together. They are so cute and funny. I love when all my dogs meet me at the door. I love knowing that they always love me and I love to cuddle with them.
2. Another thing that I love is going camping. During the summer my family and I go at our family campgrounds. I love hanging out with my family, going swimming, riding golf carts, playing cards, playing hide-n-go seek tag in the dark, going to Henry's trailer, berry picking, and exploring the woods with Ricky.
3. I also love to play the piano. I like to learn new music and songs that are popular that I like.
4. I also love fall; it is my favorite season. I love fall becuase the leaves change and they are so pretty. I also love fall becuase the weather. I like it because it isn't too hot or too cold.
5. I love my family. I love when my whole family gets together. We always have the best parites, and the most fun times together. I love my family becuase I know they are always here for me and they will love me not matter what.
6. I love being with my friends. I love being with my friends because they are always there for me and they help me through things.
7. I love being outside. I love to be outside because I love fresh air and not being cooped up in a house.
8. I love thunderstorms. I love thunderstorms because I think they are fun to watch and listen to. When I was little, I always loved when the power went out and when there was a thunderstorm.
1)I love my boyfriend:) because he's adorable:) &he's my best friend & helps me deal with everything.
2)I love Starbucks & Target because coffee is the best drink ever and Target is simply wonderful. :)
3)I love my iPod/music because it allows me to drown everyone and everything out and just relax.
4)I love makeup and nail polish because it's a way to express myself and it's girly.
5)I love brownies! :) because they are delicious :)
6)I love my dogs because they're really amusing and kinda dumb and they make me laugh.
7)I love reading and writing because they are both really good ways for me to just escape into some other world.
-Erin Zaranec!:)
I love winter. I love getting all bundled up and laying outside in the cold snow. I love waking up in the morning and everything be covered in snow, so perfect, flawless. I love coming inside from being outside cuddling by the fire and drinking hot chocolate. I love how the beautiful icicles sparkle in the sun. I love the feeling of the chilly air on my cheeks. I love cuddling up in bed with a good book on a chilly day. I love winter.
1)I love my friends because they make me happy.
2)I love mac and cheese because I like cheese and noodles.
3)I love Holidays because they are good family oriented times.
4)I love Florida, because it is very nice and has great weather.
5)I love my best friend Sam because she is always there for me.
6)I also love my family. They mean the world to me and they make who I am today for the most part.
I love lots of things. These things are knowledge, superstitions, family, TV, the summer and the old country.
Knowledge is something I like to wrap my mind around, understand its lies, truths and the future and with what the government will soon do to us.
Superstitions give fear to me but also make me want to know why they are here if they are real or not.
Family is something that you should stick close to because you have no closer blood than family.
TV is something that you can watch for fun or relaxation.
The summer where it's warm, no school, and where I could expand my knowledge of the world.
The old country is where I visit my old family, and they talk of the old stories that always seem to interest me.
This is all the things that I love and that interest me.
1. I love my girlfriend because she's amazing!
2. I love music because it holds so much emotion and meaning. It also helps me relax. Except when it's rap, country or christian.
3. I love my cat because he's the coolest cat ever. Well him and Tyler Durdan are the coolest cats ever.
4. I love sleeping because then I'm not awake
5. I love reading because it adds to your knowledge
6. I love using big words because they mess with people. I hate people with necrophobia. I have theophobia. I'm not afraid of it though, more against it. People should have more theophobia, in my opinion.
7. I love Walmart because it's way better than Target
8. I love mrs.perrin's language arts class because it’s oh so much fun
9. I love blogging in mrs.perrin's language arts class because I can express my opinion
10. I love the Glass Castle because she is a truly excellent author
11. I love religion
12. I love using sarcasm because it’s tricky
13. I love when people can't tell if I'm using sarcasm
14. I love proving people wrong because I have strong opinions
15. I love debating with people because I can prove them wrong
Fall is my favorite season for one thing...trail rides!!! The cool weather makes for a perfect riding atmosphere. This year me and my horse Gypsy went out on the trail when the tree leaves were in peak bloom. After working and sweating all summer, we both appreciated the nice change. She got so excited! It was impossible to keep control of her eager spirit as we paraded down the trail. We trotted here and there and attempted to cross the river. We forgot that Gypsy doesn't like to get wet. Other riders passed us on our way back to the stable. "You look like you have had a good ride" one said. I just laughed and patted Gypsy's neck. We had both had an amazing time.
Sierra Wick
1.)I love my family because I know that they will always be there to love and support me.
2.) I love my friends because they always cheer me up when im down and they make me laugh
3.) I love winter because my birthday is in winter and also Christmas. I love getting to see my family and baking cookies and buying gifts for my little cousins.
4.) I love music because it helps me relax.
5.) I love sports because it gives me something I can always practice and work to become better at.
6.) I love JO volleyball season because I get to travel and have a lot of fun with my team.
7.) I love facebook because its fun to see what people are doing and to talk to them.
8.) I love animals because they are cute and do funny things.
9.) I love the cavs because they are very fun to watch and good to learn from. I also love going to the games because you can see it live right in front of you and they have really cool half time shows.
10.) I love running because it helps me focus and think about things, or it helps me to keep my minf of off certain things.
11.) I love socks because they keep my feet warm and toasty.
1. I love summer. I love getting to sleep in everyday and not go to school, staying up late and having bonfires, swimming, running, no shoes, shorts, tanktops, parties,and having fun.
2. I love soccer. I love feeling the adrenaline going through you when your running down the field with the ball, the satisfaction and knowing that you've done something right when you beat your opponent, and the victory when you score a goal and your team wins.
3. I love horses. I love their elegant bodies and silky mane and tail, when you ride them you feel powerful and on top of the world, the speed and the wind blowing on your face as you gallop, and the love that you feel when something that big can be so gentle.
4. I love my family. I love them because they love me, care for me, give me everything, support me, and guide me.
5. I love my friends. I love them because they love me for who I am, support me, laugh with me, stick up for me, and understand me.
I love my family. We fight but we get over it in the end. They are always there when i need them. Whether it be support me or help me through a hard time i can always count on them.
I love my friends. Without friends life would suck. I love hanging with them, talking, partying, sprots, etc. The list goes on and they are always there for you. I love my homies!!!
I love football. Greatest sport. I love playing it and i can actually watch it on Tv and not want to die form the boredom.
I love summer. No school, no rules. All you have to do is chill with friends. Nothing better.
I love halo. Yea im a huge nerd but that game just sucks you in. It's just a really fun game.
I love music. Its just amazing so entertaining and can explain and describe so much. It really influences me. Its awesome.
I love food. Eating i saweome. Food is so delicous. I really don't understand how people can not eat.
The list goes on but those are some things i love.
1. I love music because it always cheers me up and gets me going when I feel depressed
2. I love my family because they are always there for me and always take care of me
3. I love the outdoors because it always gives me a wonderful feeling that no one is around
4. I love Christmas because it is one of the only times where my whole entire family gets together
5. I love cats because they are so cut adn they can be very comforting.
6. I love snow because it is fun to be in and it makes everything white in the winter.
7. I love playing games because they are competitive and they are lots of fun.
Jennifer Sens
1. I love my family and friends more than anything. They mean the world to me and I always try to treat them with respect because they're the people who stay with you forever.2. I love to read. Once I find a good book, I can't get my nose out of it. I usually read it again after I'm done because I like it so much.3. I absolutley LOVE winter! All the crisp white snow and and all the snowflakes dancing as they fall. Christmas time is my favorite time of year because it's the time of year when my family comes together to celebrate all that has happened the past year and to stuff our faces with holiday cookies. :)$. The last thing I can think of that I love is animals. I love to volunteer at shelters and walk dogs or play with kittens. I think every animal should be treated fair just like humans becaue they have no defense at all. Every time that ASPCA commercial comes on I cry for at least a good 20 minutes. :(tatum 4/5
I love winter because it is the coldest of all the seasons and it is so much more fun to play ouside in the snow. I love football becausei get to legally beat the living crap out of people which is fun. I love my family because no matter how bad I screw up they are always there for me. I love my pair of Chuck T's because they are the most comfortable and most versitile pair of shoes I have ever owned. I love language arts class because mrs. perrin is the best teacher ever (ha ha!)
1. I really enjoy listenig to music. This is because it entertains me , and it is very catchy.
2 I love summer because i can sleep in everyday and do what i want. I love to swim and just relax.
3.I love shoping because it gives me something to do and it is so fun ! I love buying new things.
4. I also really love puppies. They are just so cute, and really fun to play with.
5.I love my friends because they help me out with problems and they will always have my back. It is also fun hanging out with them and having a good time.
6.I really enjoy fall because the leaves are so beautiful when they are changing ! I also love baking fall deserts and carving pumpkins.
7. I love camping because I think it is so fun to sleep outside and be as loud as you want. The best thing I look foward to in the summer is camping !
I love basketball. It is pretty much my life. The whole year I play basketball. Another thing I love is summer because it is when my birthday is and I can go outside and run, play basketball, swim, walk places, and condition for basketball. The last thing I love is my family because they are always there for me and will help me with anything. They always have advice for me and I can go to them for anything.
There are a lot of things to love about life. One i bet no one else put is being here i love just being able to wake up every morning and be able to walk on my own two legs because most people just take it for granite. Another thing i love is spaghetti becasue for one it is the most flavorfull thing I love to eat, it tastes amazing with a cold glass of milk and in morning i feel like i can take on the world. i also love wrestling because i like to play rough and I don't know why becasue whenever i play a friendly game of some sort i always always always end up hurting someone and in wrestling it is fun beacause you have to be going 100% to put up a fight and 110% to be successful and sometimes i don't even win which feels good because it shows that i don't have to be good at everything.
Zack Taylor
1. I love the night sky. There's nothing like taking a midnight stroll, and happening to peer up into an infinite portrait of times past and times to come. Because the night sky is constant, that is why it has claimed my admiration.
2. I love the Forest. Watching in a hushed calm as the sun filters through the trees, and witnessing the leaves falling satisfies something inside of me. I was meant to be a smirf, and live in a mushroom village in the forest. THAT is why I love the forest. It's simplicity as it was intended.
3. I love food. I know I sound like a total pig for saying this but... I think of food 74% of the time. I always look forward to the next meal, and I take a peculiar delight in planning random vegetarian dishes. I love food because it fortifies me, strengthens me, and is pleasing to the taste buds.
4. I love crocheting/knitting! I love to add my own touch to things, and by creating my own materials, I've worked for what I've made, therefore, I appreciate it more. I feel vintage when I hit the needles, and that's why I love crocheting/knitting.
5. I love humans. Even though humans are evil by nature, there is always, as Rosemary said, some good in everyone. Through my belief in God, I have come to love the human race. Although I do not have the complete compassion I ought to have, I'm slowly getting there. I love humans because humans are simply amazing.
6. I love animals. Baby animals, old animals, scaly animals, feathery animals, vicious ones, aggresive ones.. dirty ones... You name it. I love it. I love animals because they are, in my belief, a creation that God has placed on this earth for humans to admire, but yet be wary of.
7. I love kids! Kids are symbols of innocence- they bring out the child in those who take the time to pay attention. And that's why I love them. Kid's are timeless.
Things I love:
1. I love being outside because I like being outdoors and it’s better than being stuck inside with no fresh air.
2. I love summer because I don’t have to go to school, I can sleep, stay outside, and it’s warmer.
3. I love October because I think it’s really pretty and when it’s not raining, the weather is almost perfect.
4. I love my friends because they do funny things and always make me laugh.
5. I love my sister Alex! Haha, she helps me alot and makes me laugh. And she’s just like me!
6. I love sports because it gives me the chance to be active and I’m competitive.
7. I love the word “Relentless” because I think it’s a strong word that describes me.
8. I love music because it says a lot and its comforting.
9. I love the color orange because I think it’s really pretty and it goes along well with summer and fall.
I love a lot of things, to many to list…
Erica Jacks 1*
The Things I Love:
1. I love animals! Animals are awsome because they are always there and you can tell them anything without worry. Animals also have a mysterious, majestic, independent vibe about them
2. I love my family because I can be myself around them.
3. I love reading (especially fantesy). I love to read because I can excape the real world while reading.
3. I love summer!!!! I love summer for many reasons. First of all I love summer because of the summer sports such as swimming, badmitton, and baseball. Also because it is warm and I dont have to worry about school.
4. I love to play my saxophone. Even though I am not very good, I love it because it is fun, I love the sound of it and it has always been my favorite insterment.
5. I love the forest, a forest would always be my favorite place to be. I love forests untaimed beauty, I love the mysterious feeling of them.
6. I love history because I can learn about the past. It is amazing to learn about the amazing things people have accomplished before that makes us who we are today.
7. I love plants. I love trees, I love herbs, I love flowers, I love shrubs, I love all plants. Plants are very needed to the ecosystem, they provide us oxegen and food.
8.I love art. I feel I can express my self through art.
9. I love to tie-dye because it is fun, creative and it adds color to clothing.
10. I love my facebook acount because I am very addicted to it.
11.I love the fall because of all the colors and activitys.
12.I love Halloween because it is not like the rest of the holidays... you get to dress up!
13. I love cappuccinos because they taste good and they wake me up.
14.I love me, myself and I because if you cant love yourself you cant love anyone.
15.I love a challenge because it is exilerating and it gives me something to work towards.
16.I love A+'s because it makes me happy to get good grades.
17. I also love my computer because a computer can open up so many options such as faster means for research, facebook, and email.
Tia Lenhoff
1)I love my family. Its not just because there my family but its because there just so funny and anyone who knows my mom always tels me how funny she is or how much they love her. But my family is just so open and we can have conversations about anything.
2)I love summer. Its rhe best. I love how it gets soo hot an i love being outside and not having to go to school.
3)I love sleeping in. When i sleep in its not till 10 or whatever i sleep untill like 1 even 2 sometimes. Lots of people say im just waisting my day away but how can i be waisting it when im doin something i love?
4)I love my friends. There just so fun to be around. I can trust them with a lot and i can always go to them for suport or anything i need.
5)I love christmas! I love the colors,smells,spirt i just love everything about it. Its joyful and i love the fires and snuggling up with some hot chocolate and a blanket and watching the Cristman Story every year.
6)I love football. I love being able to have something in commin with my brother and his friends. Its funny because on sundays thats all we do it watch football games and have hot wings (:
Renae Trundy
1. I love my friends and family they always make my day better and they make me laugh all the time and they just know how to make my day better
2.Fall I just enjoy all the smells of the fresh leaves and all the bright trees with the creative pumpkins filled with trick or treaters
3. Music it always clams me down and makes me want to dance
4.gymnastics it makes me feel very talented and its just so great when you get a new trick you have been working on for months
1.I love my family, they are always there for me.
2.I love God. He is the reason I'm here and church is sooo fun.Well atleast mine is.
3.I love my freinds. We are so crazy and hav an amazing time together.
4.I love babysitting. I love watching kids,it's so much fun. When I'm with kids I can still act childish and be fun with them.
5.I love music.It's just fun to listen to and it helps me calm down.
6.I love Florida.I go there once a year and it's amazing. I get to meet up with the same people every year and we always hang out. We stay out till midnight then go back to someones condo and hang for the rest of the night.Next day we do it all over again.I also love going to Florida because I get to spend time with my family.It's also pretty great that I tan and don't burn. So I come back tan, and I love it !!!
7.I love my computer.
8.I love my cell phone !! Texting is like the best thing ever.I can keep in touch with all my friends.It's fast and easy.
9.I love eggrolls.I know that sounds pathetic,but since this blog is about what we love I think that it should be included. (:
1. I love technology. I love it because without it we wouldnt have computers, tv, and ipods.
2. i love Spring because it is when all the flowers bloom and leaves start to come back.
3. i love animals. I believe that animals are thesame as humans and should be treated the same way. whenever i see the commercials about animal abuse, i cry. no living creature should be treated that way.
4. I love LIFE. Life can be the best thing that happened to someone.
1. I love summer vacation because you get to sleep in and actualy get some rest.
2. I love my saxophone because it is the way i vent and i enjoy it.
3. I love the Beatles because the were one of the most influencial and creative bands ever.
4. I love pizza because it is the perfect cominbation of ingreedents, cheese, peperoni, sause, and dough. Just plain old awsome.
1.I love family. there dependable and even if everything else fails they'll always be there
2.I love music. Music is sweet and there are so many options and moods. It always helps motivate me.
3. I love Weight Lifting. I love lifting it's normaly the highlight of my day and helps me stay calm and it keeps me happy.
4. I love friends. People say people change and aren't the same forever but the friends i have now i've know forever.
5. I love Health Food. Some say it's gross some friends won't eat it but i love health food carrots, celery, fruit, fish or anything healthy it keeps me alert and pumped.
6. I love being in a band. We have our own shirts, own guitar picks, and cds. It's fun on stage we get to meet people at shows and challenge ourselfs for better. also over the past year we've made probaly over 3,000 in profit. Live Long CKC.
7. I love cold pillows. I'm not sure why but they feel good.
These are things that I love
1. I love my family. My brother keeps me entertained all the time, and without him I would be bored. My dad always has good advice and always tries to help me with everything he can. My mom always supports me, and helps me learn lessons. I have a close family, and we love each other very much and have tons of fun.
2. I love all seasons, because the colors change, the weather changes, rain brings people together, snow usually makes people happy, summer is relaxing, and fall is beautiful, so I can not pick a favorite season, I love them all.
3. I love swimming, because it is good exercise, can be done with people you know, is not a pressuring activity, and allows me to spend lots of time with family and friends. I also love the water, because it is cold, and I am a good swimmer.
4. I love cats, because they seem to have personality, they are kind, make my family and I laugh, and seem to really understand what you are saying. I find it fun to show my cat things, because I know she will always be interested.
5. I love going to the beach, because there is a lot to do there, I like to swim, and there is a lot to explore and find on a beach. Beaches also seem to give my family more time together, or my friends.
6. I love snow, because it makes everything look pretty, and clean, and it gives an opportunity to get a snow day. I also love snow, because it is a sign of Christmas, which is one of the best times of the year.
7. I love succeeding and achieving my goals. I love when I get good grades, or when I do things really when, because I am proud, and feel good when I do things well. I also like to show my parents what I do well, and feel glad about achieving something difficult.
8. I love Ice-cream, because it is sweet, cold, and always seems to taste good and cheer people up.
Holly Sarazin
1. I love my friends because I can count on them for everything and they always make me feel better.
2. I love my family for the same reasons pretty much
3. I love cheerleadin because it is m favorite sport and have such a good time doing it
4. I love October because it is the month of my birthday!!
5. I love music because it is fun to listen to and it puts me in a better mood.
6. I love having a fun time with my friends and family!
1. I love the summer time. This is when my family and I go on vacation to the beach and just hang out with eachother, it gets us closer and we enjoy being around eachother.
2. I also love winter, I love going outside. And looking out the window at all the snow. This season lets us know that Christmas is almost here. I love drinking hot chocolate in the winter and sitting by the fire.
3. I love my cell phone. It allows me to keep in touch with my friends and just to stay connected to everyone. I think it is a great thing to have.
4. I love music because there will be a genre that you love and you just seem to fit in with it. It allows you to be yourself with no limits.
5. Movies, i love watching movies because it lets you watch someone elses life. I love watching horror, comical, and romantic movies. They are really fun to watch.
6. I love to relax. When you have school, homework, after school activities it just feels good to kick back and relax. We all work really hard and sometimes we just need to forget about everything anf make some time for yourself.
7. I love comfy beds. I have about 6 pillows on my bed and I just like to be comfortable at night. I am relaxed and feel goog.
8. I love Ipods. It lets you put all your music on to it and you can just listen to it whenever you want.
1) I love to play fastpitch because its my favorite sport.
2) I love basketball because its really fun.
3) I love steak because it tastes good.
4) I love my friends because they are fun to be around.
5) I love summer because its hot out.
6) I love snow days because you don't have school.
Things I Love
1) I love Winter until the snow gets boring, and then melts so everything is gross.
2) I love people, because I'm a people kind of person. I'm very social, and people play an important part in that role.
3) I love soccer. It's competative, and I'm pretty good at it.
4) I love my brother, because even though sometimes we fight we gang up on my parents together, we make eachother laugh, and we pick on eachother for the dumbest things ever.
5) I love accessories, shoes, purses, etc.. They just make their outfit; sometimes they're annoying, but they make you look good:D!
6) I love to read because it like takes me somewhere I have never been before, and helps me to look int he perspectives of other people.
Samantha Hoyt 1
1. I love animals because they're cute and cuddly.
2. I love music because it expresses feelings you can't explain. I listen to music all the time.
3. I love art, another way to express myself
4. I love my brother Daryl because he's a dork like me and he's fun to be around and I just met him about a year ago.
5. I love blue juice because its the best juice ever!
6. I love summer because it's nice out and I don't have to be in school.
7. I love Hottopic because although I don't like shopping i love their clothes & etc.
Alisha Hoy
one thing that i love that i think we take for granted sometimes is the abilty to play sports. i could play sports ALL DAY LONG. i just love the competitiveness, the sound of the ball hitting the ground, hearing the bat crush the ball, the ball 'swishing' threw the net,i love every little thing about it.
another thing i love is fall. i love the way the trees look with all the different color leaves, jumpuing into a big pile of leaves. i believe that it is ohios best season.
one more thing that i find unresistable is playing the guitar. i love the sounds it makes and the many different things you can play
1)I love family because my family always takes a trip to Missouri.
2)I love to play sports because it keeps me in shape and I enjoy playing them.
3)I love summer because we always go fishing on our boat.
4)I also love winter because my dad and I go hunting.
5)I love music because it helps me concentrate better.
6)I love the new camaro because i just love camaros and it is the best car ever.
I love:
1. my friends b/c I can always count on them for a pick-me-up or support.
2. my family b/c I have no idea where i would be with out them today. also they have helped me through my life in so many situations.
3. music b/c music is my whole life. with out it i'd be nothing at all. i would just be a speck of dust on the highest bookshelf that no one can reach to clean.
4. swimming b/c even though its making my life suckish right now i still get to do what i have worked so hard for. (also to show my parents that we didnt waste our money on having an inground pool;D)
5. my mom's homemade cooking that she makes almost every day b/c of what i have tasted in my life she still is the best cook and mentor for learning to cook ever.
6. the way i am b/c im myself 100% of the time all the time. alot of people might think why would she want to be fat? well im here to say b/c i dont buy that i should be under 100 lbs. and that everyone's diffrent in their own way and mine is my weight.
that is what i love the most in my life. i hope that i will never change<3
LoVe YoUr LiFe!
Erica K.
1. I love my boyfriend because he is the closest person to me and he is amazing. No one understands me and accepts me like he does.
2. I love my friends because they are all amazing. Every single one of them are great and have something unique about them. They are all hilarious. I miss a lot of them.
3. I love music. Music is a really big part of my life. If it is listening to my favorite bands, or playing it. I love music a lot.
4. I love my clarinet, Owen.
5. I love playing the clarinet because it relaxes me and makes me feel accomplished when I do well or learn a new song, or a hard part.
6. I love marching band. Marching band takes up most of my life, so I have to enjoy it. I love being with my friends and I love the feeling of doing good at a competition and winning awards. I love feeling like I am apart of a team.
7. I love my cat because even though he may not be the brightest little kitty, he's still mine.
8. I love my cell phone. I don't know what I would do without my cell phone. It's extremely dysfunctional, but it's all I have and i appreciate it.
1. I love to be asleep because I don't have to worry about staying awake.
2. I love music because it adds a background to my quiet lifestyle.
3. I love medium cooked steak because eating a cow gives you a sence of authority.
4. I love my thumbs because I can pick up objects and operate them unlike the other thumbless mammals.
5. I love ballpoint pens because they don't break or require lead-refilling unlike their lesser relative, the pencil.
Steven Dodds
I love too many things, so I'm just going to list 15 of them.
1. I love my family because they're always there for me and we're blood. They do things for me that other people would never be willing to do for me, and they are really great and fun people to be around.
2. I love my friends because they're always there for me and they make me happy. We have so much fun together, and when we hang out we laugh so hard that our ribs start hurting.
3. I love autumn because it has the perfect weather and the leaves start changing to pretty colors.
4. I love basketball because it's my favorite sport and its extremely fun to play.
5. I love sleeping in because normally I get no sleep at night, and because it relaxes your muscles.
6. I love running because its good excercise, and I just like it in general.
7. I love Dr. Pepper. It's one of my favorite drinks, and it's my favorite pop. I drink it too much, but it tastes really good.
8. I love to go shopping because i its relaxing, I like getting new things, and I really enjoy it.
9. I love holidays. Christmas is my favorite holiday; I love the spirit, the movies, the decorations, and much more. But I love all of the big holidays because that's when I get to see all of my family and spend time with them, which I never get to do anymore because everyone in my famiy lives in different cities now.
10. I love Cedar Point. I have been going there since I was a baby (Halloweekends & Snoopy Land)and moving on to the "big kid" rides when I was around 6 years old. I love the rides there, my favorites being the big rollercoasters. I have a blast whenever I go there.
11. I love technology because it makes life a whole lot easier and it makes life more fun.
12. I love to go on vacation. The people in my family are big on vacation, and vacation gives you a chance to relax and have a ton of fun (the most fun were in the Bahamas and at Disney World/Orlando, Florida).
13. I love watching movies - this pretty much explains itself, but I just enjoy watching them.
14. I love listening to music. It can be very relaxing or it can get you pumped up, and it usually puts you in a good mood.
15. I LOVE the 80's. The movies & tv shows, the actors, most of the clothes, the music, and so much more were all great (in my opinion). It is by far my favorite decade.
Kelly C. 4-5th Period
1. I like playing and watching football. The games are exciting and they are a lot of fun.
2. I like winter because i like Christmas and when it snows on Christmas
3. I also like summer because we don't have any school so there is no stress
4. I like music because calms me down at the end of a stressful day
1.I love my family because they are always there for me no matter what and love me.
2.I love music because it can distract me if I am having a bad day or if I just want to hear lyrics from other people.
3.I love shopping because it gets me new clothes and helps me be less stressed, and I like to hang out with my friends while I am shopping at the mall. I love the excitement when I get new clothes and when I can't wait to wear them.
4.I love to ride roller coasters, especially at Cedar Point. I love the rush when a roller coaster is slowly going up a hill, and the thrill when you are going down.
5.I love summer. I love how it isn't cold and I love spending time with my family at cookouts. I love hanging out with my friends outside, tanning, and swimming.
Ha first time lets seeeeee
1. I like the end of summer fall season. Not only cause the weather is usually bad, its the time for my favorite sport, Cross Country.
2. I love music, but not all kinds, sometimes the can bore me to death, other times they really motivate and get me ready for anything that i want to achieve.
3. I love the outdoors, there is no reason anyone should be staying inside on any day, even bad ones. Fresh air is always important.
4. I love everyone that is close to me, that cares for me, and that know i care for them, even though sometimes i can't see them, or won't see them, they are still loved.
5. I love the ability to learn from your mistakes, because then i would be in a lot of deep trouble.
6. I love sleeping. ha pretty blunt but yeah, sleeping is always good.... so is food can never get enough of that.
7. Thunderstorms those are pretty awesome too, laying in bed and hearing the thunder clashing outside just blows my mind.
I could say more but i dont wanna post about EVERYTHING that i love, it'll take up too much sapc,e and too much of my time. See ya later Mrs. P.
1.I love my friends because no matter what situation i'm in i can always count on them to help me out.
2.I love art. Art has been apart of me my whole life. My grandfather was an artist. This inspired me to take up art. I love painting and creating new things. It's like giving life to a plain sheet of paper, after you've added something to it, it's like it comes to life.
3.I love music. My brother really got me into listening to more interesting music when i was younger. I don't really like rap music, pop music, or country music. I like scores or music without words, or sometimes screamo or heavymetal. I love music because it helps clear my head and makes me feel better when i'm stressed.
4.I love food. Food is amazing. I'm an athlete so i eat a lot. i love all kinds of foods. I eat so much its hard for me to stop because food is so amazing. I love tasting new foods.
5.i love sam's club. its the best store in the whole wide world. they have everything you need like food, computers, trampolines, everything! That's why i love it so much!
6. i love xc(cross country) i love running. Its a passion. To be an xc runner you need guts and i love that everyone on the team is a family and not just fake friends like other sports teammates that ive noticed.
-emily from first period
1. I love Jeff because his blog just made my day!
2. I love my family because I wouldn't really be alive without them.
3. I love going to shows because I always get to meet new people.
4. I love my brother because he's my best friend.
5. I love all my friends because I'd have nothing to do without them.
6. I love my cats, Doofy and Tyler Durden, because they're cute.
7. I love playing Pong because it's fun and funny.
8. I love the movie Fight Club, because it's the best movie ever
9. I love quoting Fight Club because some of the best quotes come from the movie/book.
10. I love Language Arts, just because.
All the things that I love about my life and all the things around me are, music for sure because I like making music &coming up with music, I like hanging with friends because it gives me a chance to know everything more about them that I never knew, I love when it's Fall &all the leaves change, it's a perfect time for pictures. Family events are pretty fun too. I usually don't have a big family get together butt whoever comes to it is special in there own way, thats what I love about my family :)
-i love my family because they are always there for me.
-i love my friends because i like hanging out with them & having fun.
-i love summer because i love tanning,parties,bonfires & vacation,
-i love my volleyball because its mu favorite sport, when i start playing i never want to stop
-i love to run because it relaxes me.
-i love shopping because i love getting new clothes & wearing them.
there are so many things that i love!
i love my family and all my friends. idk what id do without them. i love all the memory that i have with them(: i love all the seasons but fall the most. i love that there are two holidays and i love halloween! i love getting all dressed up and hanging out and getting free candy. i love the cold air on your face when you first go outside and i love all the colors. i love all the pumpkins that you get to carve and all the scary movies come out. watching movies is one of my favorite things to do and i love that there are movies on all the time between now and Christmas!!! i really love Christmas because my family is all there and there is always music in the air. everyone always seems to be in such a good mood. i also love getting to see all my family on thanksgiving and eating all the pie with my cousins.
i love being able to pick up an instrument and being able to play any song i have the music to.anastasia fitzroy
I love winter because i like to go snowboarding whenever and wherever i can. also because winter is a time where you run around and jump in piles of frozen water so i feel like its summer to but then you get to go inside and drink hot chocolate which i really love especailly with marshmallows.
Another thing i love is family because my family is always there for me when i need someone to listen to my problems or encourage me to do something that i dont think i can do.
The last thing i love is friends, sometimes they make you happy, other times they make you feel bad, but overall they just are great people and they are always there. Those are the things that i love.
1. I love North Carolina because it's almost always warm and it rarely gets cold. It has a lot of beaches and amazing seasons. Another reason why I love it is because that's really the only place I know because I moved there when I was 3 and then ended up moving here last summer.
2. I love my friends and family because they can always be there for me and they know how to make almost everything better. They're not always able to fix everything but they try their hardest.
3. I love summer because I can always find something fun to do and I dont have to worry about school. I can sleep in all the time and stay up as late as I want. I can go on vacation a lot and see most or some of my family.
4. I love music because most of the time I'm able to relate to what the people are saying and it always make me happy when i listen to it for some reason. It also gives me something to do when I'm bored.
5. I love writing because it's one of the many ways that I'm able to express myself and I find it very easy to do.
6. I love camping because it's one of the traditions my familys had since me and my sister were born. Every year on fathers day is when we normally go. I think it's very fun most of the time except for the bugs that are annoying. Almost all day we go tubing which is amazing and then I'm really sore the next day but I end up getting over it.
7. I love my boyfriend. He's been there for me over the past couple years and he's always able to make me happy. He's the person that understands me the most out of everyone I know and he's amazing.
C Sims
1. I love my family because they are all extremely supportive.
2. I love my friends because they are all amazing people.
3.I love music because it always makes me feel bettre when I'm upset. I really love practicing the flute for the same reason.
4.I also love the fall. I just love the feeling of being outside at nigth when the air is cool and crisp.
5. I love to write because it's a good way to help me anlyze a situation, and it just helps me deal with stress.
I think that love is a strong word fir liking something, but, since you asked, I looooove:
1. Pumpkin Pie - This is probably the best pie ever invented. Not only do I love the taste, I also love the texture of the pie, the crust, the whip cream that goes on top, and, well, everything about this tasty treat.
2. Reading - This is probably one of the best things you can do, as it takes you out of this, at times, crappy world that we live in. We can be anyone or anything, go anywhere, and do anything you want.
3. Photography - I love photography because it lets my creative side shine. I can do whatever I want, and I am only limited by my creativity. The possibilities are endless, and, after you leave, you can continue to live in the moment if I have done my job right.
4. Winter - I love to go outside and play in the snow. Snowball fights are awesome. The photographic opportunities are endless as well. When the flash bounces off the snow just fight, all of the snow lights up, forming billions of beautiful specs of sparkles of light.
-A. Muir
1. I love my brother. he is my hero and he is always there when i need him.
2. I love music. It is my life. It helps me express myself
3. I love my girlfriend. She is one of the nicest people I've ever met. She makes me feel amazing.
4. I love my best friend, Allison. She has shown me that the world is full of happiness and suprises.
5. I love running track. I love the feeling of running fast.
6. I love spring.It feels like a new beginning.
• I love my family because even though we don't get along theres never a boring moment.
• I love my two best friends alyssa and grant, they make me feel like we can have the best times but still be serious.
• I also love winter, its always been my favorite season. Theres something about it that makes so excited.
• Soccer is one of the things I couldn't live without, though sometimes I miss it, I know what it means to me.
• I also love movies, the kind of movies where you get so in to it you don't whats going on in reality.
I love:
1. my parents, because they go through alot to make sure I am safe and doing my best.
2. my friends, becuase they help me through alot and are always fun to be with.
3. Sara, because she has been my bestfriend for the longest time and I can talk to her about anything.
4. sports, because they are an escape from everyday society and drama.
1.) I love friday's because they are the best day of the week in my opinion. They go by so fast and you have the nice weekend ahead of you and I always have sleepovers with my friends.
2.) I love watching sports. They are so interesting to watch. My favorite sports to watch are football and basketball.
3.) I love running. It feels amazing after you're done and you feel so accomplished. It helps relieve stress and is a time to think for me.
4.) I love Robbie because he has been my bestfriend for awhile now and he helps me with anything(:
5.) I love lip gloss. I think it looks prettier when girls wear it and I like the smells and how it looks.
6.) I love my cell phone. It is my main way of communicating with my friends.
7.) I love my family because we are pretty close and understand eachother. We have traditions we do, like for holidays, and watching/ going to sports games. We are always there for eachother.
8.) I love my friends. Without them I wouldn't be who I am right now. They help me with all my problems and they are supportive and fun to be around. We are always together.
9.) I love sleeping. I feel so much better and more awake and I always have more energy that day when I sleep longer or take naps.
10.) I love nacho's and cheese because they are my favorite food. I get them literally everywhere I go. I get them at the Brunswick games, school, Browns games, I make them at home. They taste delicious.
1. I love parties, because i love to have fun.
2. I love my family because there always there to support me through everything when times get hard.
3. I love disney channel because it has the best shows in the world on it and it cracks me up, and i watch it everyday and im never gonna stop.
3. I love immaturity, because it reminds me of being little and im gonna be a kid forever no matter what.
4. I love going on feild trips in my backyard.
5. I love love love the winter because then i could go outside and play in the snow and make snow angels, and snowmen, and whatever else i feel like making.
6. I love my friends because they are probably the only thing that gets me through my days, and even though i have a short temper they are always there. yay.
shannon 4-5 (:
Things I love:
- I love Fall because it is so pretty when the leaves change colors, for the most part it is perfect weather, and it is the last time to be outside without snow.
- I love sports because they are fun to do and are very energetic. I get to be competeive and get exercise. I also like the conditioning part of sports too.
- I love my best friends because i can go to them for anything. They also make me laugh when i am about to cry.
- I also love my family because even though my parents are divorce they still talk and dont fight and are always there when i need them
- I love camping because it gets me away from the computer and t.v and i am always outside by a fire with my friends and family.
- I love gymnastics because it lets me be graceful and powerful at the same time. I love flipping through the air and getting rips on my hands.
Things I love:
- I love Fall because it is so pretty when the leaves change colors, for the most part it is perfect weather, and it is the last time to be outside without snow.
- I love sports because they are fun to do and are very energetic. I get to be competeive and get exercise. I also like the conditioning part of sports too.
- I love my best friends because i can go to them for anything. They also make me laugh when i am about to cry.
- I also love my family because even though my parents are divorce they still talk and dont fight and are always there when i need them
- I love camping because it gets me away from the computer and t.v and i am always outside by a fire with my friends and family.
- I love gymnastics because it lets me be graceful and powerful at the same time. I love flipping through the air and getting rips on my hands.
-A. Stertzbach-
1. I love Fall. Raking is probably my favorite physical activity, and this season is when it really comes in handy.
2. I love my friends. Not only do they always have my back, but unlike family, they don't freak out when you tell them your problems.
3. I love rainy days. These are the days when you aren't really expected to do anything. They are absolutely perfect for naps and just staying in reading a book or watching a movie.
4. When I was little, I had heart surgery because there was a whole in my heart. Lets just say it left a pretty nasty scar. But I love this scar, because I like to think it is unique.
5. I love to ice-skate. Yes, I may be bad at it, but its always fun!
6. I love my clarinet. Yes, I don't play anymore in school but every once in awhile I'll break it out and play a few songs.
-Carly Fleck
1. I love the fall because of all the pretty colors on the tree's and my birthday is in the fall.
2. I love my family and friends because they are always there for me and they make me laugh.
3. I love having all my friends together just hanging out having a good time.
4. I love almost any kind of food because there's just so many great foods.
5. I love to dance. I've been dancing sense i was 3 years old.
6. I love animals because they are so cute.
1.i love my family because they are always there for me and they support me.
2.i love my friends because they are always there for me, they always make me laugh and they help me when i need help on something.
3.i love going shopping because i like buying new things and i like shopping when i have nothing else to do.
4.i love winter because i like snow and snow days. Another reason i like winter is because thats when christmas is and Christmas is my favorite season.
5. i love summer because when don't have school and i get to sleep more.
1) I love my friends because they are always there for me and make me laugh.
2) I love shot and discis because it's a fun sport and involves weight lifting, and my coach is nice.
3) I love football because it's challenging and i had to work harder to keep up.
4) I love fall because it's not too hot or cold when you go for walks with people.
5) I love thanksgiving and christmas because i get to have family over and all together because i don't get to see them that much.
6) I love christmas eve because me and my sister and a friend will sit and watch christmas movies before going to bed.
1. I love my horse, Baloo. I love horses in general but I've really connected to her.
2. I love Fall and Winter. The colors in Fall are so pretty and everything looks amazing covered in snow.
3. I love the color orange. It's my favorite color.
4. I love mexican food. Spicey food is the best.
5. I love music, I don't how people couldn't. My favorite genre is country even if lots of people don't like it.
6. I love my family and friends. Without them the world would be boring.
7. I love being myself. I love doing things that aren't expected. I don't understand why people follow others and don't want be themsevles.
~Meghan Harkin
1. I love my family. They always are there for me and care for me. They also support me in everything I do.
2. I love summer. This is when we are off of school, no homework, and get to sleep in. I love the heat and going swimming.
3. I love Cedar Point. Every year I go with my family and friends, and we always have a blast. I love the roller costers and going down the big hills with the wind blowing in your face.
4. I love all the holidays because they are so much fun with my family.
5. I love October because on the 31st its Halloween and I get to go trick-or-treating. I love dressing up and going door to door.
6. I love my friends because they always make me laugh and we always have a good time.
7. I love to sleep in, even though I miss out on the whole day.
8. I love watching movies, especially funny movies because they make me laugh so hard. I love having movie nights with my mom.
9. I love my dad's work. He has his own business as an autobody shop but it's so much fun going there and just hanging out. In the back we always ride four wheelers.
10. I love music. It can express how you feel or can put you in a better mood. It's so much fun to blast the music in the car.
11. I love sports especially basketball and football. It's so much fun playing them with my brohter and his friends.
I love a lot of things, too much to list, so there is just 11 things I love.
I love summer because of the warm weather and not having to wake up to go to school. You never have to worry about things at school like homework and tests during summer. I also like winter because it's always snowing. And because of Christmas vacation
1.I love my family because of obvious reasons
2.I love music because its always in my head and its kinda hard not to love it
3.I love summer vacation because i just can't get enough free time
4.I love this place called chautauqua lake where we go to vacation every summer for too many reasons to list
5.I love technology (not emotionally)
6.I love pasta because I just love it and thats all I'll say.
Alex Morgano.
i chose the last picture with the leaves
as i walked down the road i admired all of the beautiful leaves that feel from the tree this remined me of the trees of life we all start out as a small leaf and grown into a beautifal leaf then we change clor and fall to the grown we all are beatiful once and grow and change and fine a ew way of being
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