It is interesting to me how we "spin the truth." We add details, leave them out, embellish. How do we know "the truth?"
One author that I adore, makes reference to the idea that truth is a matter of perspective. No matter where you are standing, your perspective determines what you see, feel, know. I saw a car accident once. I was getting ready to pull into the intersection and a car ran the red light. I was lucky. I was distracted and did not pull into the intersection as quickly as normal. The car across the way, however, got nailed.
My sister-in-law and I pulled over to call the police. We were both in the front seats and yet, both of us saw something different. Does her account of the story make mine wrong?
How do we know when the truth stares us in the face? Is the truth a logic based ideal or is it rooted in the heart and we know the truth by how guilt free our heart feels?
Does the truth ever evolve?
hey we havent had a new blog in a while. I think truth is hard to come by today, especially if your a lawer. I think it is hard to tell what is the truth because there is a difference between lying and not telling the truth. If a put on a blindfold and eat some cookies on the counter and my mom asks me if i saw what happened to them i could honestly say "no." There are loopholes to almost anything and if you can find them then you could conceal the truth without ever lying. Talking about truth reminds me of a really good show called "Lie to Me" its about this detective who is like the best lie detector ever. well im done for now. Later
When truth stares us in the face you will know because of your core values. I think truth comes from the heart. Our guilt will get to us if we stray from the truth.
The truth is different from your different way of seeing it. The 100% truth could be like a spotlight on you but if you dont want ot believe it, then your less likely to take it seriously. I know from experience that the truth can be one of the hardest things to both tell and hear. People say that the truth will set you free. i say thats a bunch of bull. Somethimes its better to lie then to tell the truth. If you know that the person would not be able to handle the truth. Like if you are telling someone that a family member or friend has died. That is one truth that few people can handle easily because that is just too much to take at once. That person meant something to those ppl and it is a harder blow than anything. But another thing would be really hard to take is being told that you have cancer.
But in the end the truth is not always the best thing to hear. There can be some good truths but they (for me at least) are rare and hard to come by. But oh well, ill live without knowing the truth. Doesnt really faze me that much to know or not. If i know i know, if not than i dont
Well for starters I think that the "truth," does vary with the person's perspective. If you honestly think something is true it will be true, to you at least. For example if you take a lie detector test and an interrogator asks you if the moon is made of cheese you could say yes and the test could say that you are not lying, (even though the moon is in fact not made of cheese) This is because if you truly thought that the moon was made of cheese your body wouldn't react as if it was telling a lie.
-E. W. Rady
Truth -
I think that truth is from the heart. No matter what people see, or what they claim to see, they will always know the truth inside themselves. Anytime someone tells a lie, they know the truth deep inside their heart anyways.
If there was some type of technology that could read through lies, it would read the heart, because that is where the truth is buried.
People sometimes tell a lie so often that it becomes the truth to them. However, I know that I can never fool myself.
I think that the real truth is hard to come by. I'm not sure if I believe the people that say truth comes from the heart because if you believe something with all your heart, even if its an outright lie, it seems true. You could be living in a lie just because you tell it or believe in it so much. I did agree with perkins on the loopwholes thing. And I also agree with mrs. Perrin in the sense that the truth to peopel depends on their perspective. I also liked how she said depends on what we add or leave out. Yes, telling the truth is better but sometimes you need to lie. what;s funny about this blog is i was watching "liar liar" its a movie with Jim carey and his son makes a wish that his dad cannot lie for a day. Well jim screams out in part of it saying "ThE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!" i'm not really sure if i believe that though or not. well I need to stop stallin and actually finish up my homework. c y'all in class!
I think that truth is a pure fact. People see things from angles but the bottom line of the story is the same. I dont know why people stretch the truth or feel that they should say somethung beyond and far from the truth. When people do this ti me. It makes me
Feel like im not worth the truth and they actually have the guts to say such a thing to my face. Truth is something that eveeyone has to except. Not all the time though. When people make comments bout others that is nit true but more of a sense of a truthful opinon.
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