I have always lived by the belief that "education is the way to reach dreams and make them come true." As a little girl, I can remember my mom saying every time my father left for his three weeks military training, or any other military training that he did out of duty, "What will happen to us if he doesn't come home or his plane crashes and we are left alone. We have no money, and I have no skills that would provide for five kids." I knew at a young age that the song she sang when my dad left was a song I never wanted to learn. I wanted to grow up and be educated well enough to not have the fear of not being able to support myself. As a child, all I saw was that those who had an education were the ones who had more and could do more. This motivated me to push myself to acquire an education.
For as long as I can remember, a debate has begun in our country about the best type of education: public, private without religious ties, or a parochial school. I always wanted, as a kid, to attend CVCA--Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy. My parents could not afford it. Instead I attended Akron East High School, a public city school. Oh, the stories I could tell. I do not think I got the short end of the stick. I learned so much from the many different cultures I was involved with and I was able to see life from some very different goggles, not the rose colored kind.
Think about all of the opportunities that you have been privy to by attending a public school, living in a world that is so unpredictable, and meeting the many people who walk in and out of your life. In Sheepskin, by Fisher, a battle of what it means to be educated arises. Where do you feel your education comes from and where will that education take you? How do you see your idea of education changing over the next several years? What would be your school appropriate mantra about education?
sorry i just had to do that. I think my education comes not only from school but from my environment. Some of the things ive learned I cant explain if someone asked me to I just know these things. i dont have any examples right know im kinda tired i stayed up late last night. I feel that some people also just dont learn. Even if you strap them down in a chair in front of a lecture they will never learn anything. Some people just cant be helped.
I feel that my education is extremely important.
One thing that is always used to judge a person is their education. If someone is not educated, then they are stereotyped as stupid or simply unknowing, like the woman in the poem "Sheepskin".
However, when someone is educated they tend to act snobby or superior. It can go ethier way.
I agree with Mrs. Perrin, because ever since I was a little kid I have always wanted to grow up with an education and be able to support myself. Having an education, can open up doors. My parents have instilled that in my head, so I naturally always strive for the best education possible.
i feel that my education comes from everywhere; my parents, teachers, peers. I believe that my education will take me my places like, to college and eventually to a job. I see my eduacation getting more harder and challenging over the next few years.I believe that in order to have sucess and to support yourself you must have an education.
like you, Mrs. perrin, i was first pushed to do my best in school, but not by myself, my parents.ive learned that anything less than an 85% "needs discussing." i used to throw fits about doing hw and i got easily bored when it came to school. but i guess one day i knew that i had to find a way to support myself when im older. having an older brother helped me to grow up and realize that some things in life are up to you; no one will get on your back when you're 21 without a college edu or a job (except your parents most likely).
i see couples in this school holding hands and doing sooo much more. i figured out that i dont need a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship -- i am independent. school is one of those things that i actually dont mind doing everyday; i like to learn. over the next years at this hs i know what to expect/which classes to take in the next years, where as in college i dont know what i want to study or what projects that will be assigned. im used to learning in a classroom with a set number of people, but ive learned that there is difference btwn "book smart" and "street smart."
When I was a little kid I didn't care about eduacation at all.( it's like my narrative essay "A Rat's nest becomes a bird's nest") I got by with d's and c's at the beginning of my elementary school days. I had all been funa nd games but then when I had to go to see this mean tutor during school hours (it ended up actually making my grades worse because I missed evertything my class learned those days)my parents would scream at me "when are you gonna learn that if you just get good grades we won't bug you about them all the time!" So eventually I started getting good grades not because of the tutor herself but just because I never wanted to be tutored by her again. Now my parent's don't even ask me if i have any homework because I do it all myself and get good grades without help. Any way the point is I think it's just easier to get my work and education done the first time and not have to worry about it later. Also now that i've started getting good grades I wouldn't ever let myself get bad grades again. I actually like knowing and understanding things. It's just like Aristotle says, "learning is a man's greatest pleasure."
E. W. Rady
"Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance."
- Will Durant
I think that I learned most of the things I know by watching other people and observing things. Education doesn't really have to be from schooling, but it almost always comes from experience. Also, I think that going to school doesn't teach you anything new, but it expands a lot on what you already know from experience. That is my opinion.
-Dr. Tom
I think that a majority of things we learn in school is unnecessary. And surprisingly this brings up something on my mind: You know how we were taught how it's better to read one book at a time rather than reading five books at once? Well I think school's on the bad side of this example. If we took two years or even one year for each subject in school, we would learn so much more! Think about it! Some American spanish teachers went to Spain and they become (more) fluent in español by living there for a prolonged amount of time. I think that it would be good for kids to get a well rounded education (all core classes) up to a certain age because a 8 year old just isn't ready for high-school classes. If this was in math per say, we would be asked to do something and instead of saying we learned it last year we could say we learned it last month!
As for the actual question I think my education comes from my family. That education will take me through the rest of my life - through marriage, kids, college or whatever else is headed my way. I don't know how my education will change over the next couple of years because i don't know how it will. As for the last question, NO i am not buddhist or a Hinduism.
HI MRS PERRIN, Wooster is very different then BHS. So I decided to come and visit on the web. My education has been very important to me over the past couple of years. I have not only had education through public schools but also through my mother and sister. They have taught me not only book smarts but how to live as a human being in this ever changing world. Therefor they are very important to me.
I Miss You All So Much They Do Not Even Have An A.P Class!!!It Sucks.Miss You Guys!
Well, first off I want to say I don't enjoy school, but I am very much aware and appreciative of my education. I am fortunate enough to live in a society where education is provided for me. Not only provided, but forced. But I am not going to get into that right now. But, school is only formal education. We as a society are educated in many ways besides school, like by the television and the pop culture. We learn new things every day, and I like to make a habit of pointing that out. And, I don't mean just school wise. I learned very, very recently that no crimes go unpunished, and that if you can't do the time, DO NOT do the crime, because it probably won't be worth it. Many people upon reading this may be thinking in their heads an incident that they were punished for. A mistake they've learned from. Learning = education, right?
Over the next couple years, I hope to have made my decision about what I want to be when I grow up. Then I will go on to collage and further that education. And make a living for myself someday.
My education comes from everything I do. It comes from my schooling, my enviroment, my peers, the media, and everything I do. For me, my education will take me into college and into my job as a teacher. I do like school sometimes and I am very pleased and blessed that I have the oppurtunity to go to school and get the education that I can recieve. Over the next few years, I believe that my feeling for education will stay the same or even get stronger.
Education to me is extremely important also. I also believe that It can help us achieve our goals in every way. I think that being in a public schoool deffinantaly has its advantages and disagvantages. I came from a perochial school from !st through 7th grade. It taught me alot of behaviorial skills that I use everyday. These skills I think lack at a public school. I also believe that it set my backbone for the classes im in now. The good things about public schools are that you can dress frreely and see the different personalilies that are in the real world. Being in a public school exposes kids to the real life things like money food and the different religons and groups that are out there. Also Ive met many new and different kinds of people. I think that people used to be judged alot on their education standards and how well they were educated. people now are very educated and the education stanrads for jobs are getting higher and higher.
I went to Catholic school for eight years and it was very different from the Brunswick schools that I am attending now. I'm glad I switched because I believe that Catholic school was too sheltered. Education is the basis of adult life. If I have education then I can do anything I would like to do. Even though we do not like education we know it is important.
This for me is an easy subject to write about because we just got our progress reports, I think, last week. I am a smart person but I just have no common sense. My progress report, to me, was very good considering i raied my english grade from a C to a B+. I said, "Mom, here's my progress report". I was vey anxious for her to be very proud of me. In stead all she said was, "I want those B's to A's". I was kinda disappointed you would say. I mean I tried my hardest and I still got criticzed. Then I thought, you know, mom never went to college, she just lost her job, and she wants me to have the best. I had the choice to go to a Catholic high school or public because I went to St. Ambrose from first grade to eighth grade. I chose public school because we could be saving that tuition money for college. Also I think our private school sheltered us. There were only 48 kids in our whole grade and now there's over 700. We never had the drug, alcohol, or other real life situations that we have at this school. The teachers at St. Ambrose expect us to have culture shock when we arrive at Brunswick but no one I know has ever said anything like that. The only person from our eighth class that transferred schools transferred from a Catholic, all girls school to come to Brunswick. Everyone from our class says they LOVE BHS waaay better than St. Ambrose. The only thing they really miss is the people.
I think education is education. Just because someone attends a private school doesn't change the fact that it is still education. I feel that being educated is a gift that most people don't really believe. There are some countries where kids can not get educated at all. We should be grateful for the education that we have in the United States. Plus I also think people can not be forced to learn. Take a look at BHS, there are some kids that really don't care about their life after high school and are going to leave as soon as they can. The people who really care about their grades are the people that will become successful in their careers.
-Dr. Markus
"Education is what you get when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't."
- Pete Seeger
This quote says it all. i mean that really this is very true. What you learn is kinda like the fine print that he is talking about. you know what not to do and what to do. What society thinks of you kinda dictates that tho so really its pointless to an extent.
I think my education cause from everywhere. Throughout my daily life I learn things not only from the teaches in my class room but from friends, parents siblings, posters & observing different things. I think my education will take me place in my future that I have always hoped of. Which is getting a job that I have always wanted and then supporting my family. I think over the next several years education well get harder and become more challenging only because the people educating us are trying to prepare us for what’s to come once were on our own.
I think that my education is very important. I believe that my eduction will help me reach my goals and dreams in life. Like Selena my parents have also instilled in me that my education is very important. I strive to do good in school and recieve the best education i can so i can get into the school of my dreams. Like Talia I also think it helped me that I have an older brother who is about to go off to college. I saw everything that schools required you to have to get into there programs. I push my self to try to get good grades to be able to do what i want with my life. Thats what my brother has done and i hope i can too!
Hmm...education. Well ever since I was little I loved school! Strange I know. I don't think education just has to deal with school. Maybe I'm wrong. i link educaion to all the possibilities and everything I learn.Some things I know off the top of my head because a teacher taught it to me. Others I know from experience, Just like in "sheepskin" which I am so happy i understood!!
anywayy... Also the environment helps us learn by giving us experience. Like no matter how much studying and brain smarts a new surgeon has, I would rather have one with experience to operate on me. Don't even know if what I just said applies or not but oh well.
Learning comes everywhere. even in like stupid gossip. ha. And if a teacher is just rambling on about things that are important, the way they teach it makes a difference in learning. People zone out more if they are getting lectured compared to if they actually have to do something and its fun.So learning depends on technique? No idea. Well I do but it's hard to explain my thoughts.
Like what Mrs. Perrin (ha I almost typed perrahna lol no offence) said about getting high educationa and supporting self, its been proven that more people with higher education (lets say college) will get a job more often over a less educated person (lets say high school dropout.).
This topic I argue with my brother alot is the types of smart-ness. that probably made me sound dumb. ha. Well most people if they talk to me, don't think im the sharpest crayon in the box, or whatever. you get my point. I am said to have "book smarts" My brother argues that he is smarter than me. Take into perspective that my brother is a freshmore and we are writing in an enriched language arts blog. Well, he says he is smarter than me. Ya we'll go with that. But when i asked him to support it he said I will never make it into the real world. that comnfused me. He went on with explaining and said i have no "street smarts" You do need a little of both, but since you have one and not alot of the other doesn;t make you stupid. I admit I don't have much common sense but I could still make it in the real world. And i have no idea where I was going with this so I will just end now. no. now.
k bye byeee
Well, I completely agree with MARKUS!good job markus!!!woot woot
Education is very, very importent. If you as a person do not have a good education, you will not succeed. Im not saying you need a Ivy League degree but you need to know what your thing is. If your going into management, you do not need calculas, If your going into home design you do not need much History. Yet we go take the clases we have to. The classes may not help us but we need them for our highschool diploma and for college. Getting a college degree or someother vocational training. Our families are very importent in our education. They help teach us our basic morals and values which are really more importent then what we could ever learn at school. I am very skeptical about public education. I believe that education should be a private sector job. The goverment is slow and unefective and everyone knows it. So why would it not affect education?
"What will happen to us if he doesn't come home or his plane crashes and we are left alone. We have no money, and I have no skills that would provide for five kids."
-Queen Perrin.
AAHHHH!!! are you CRAZY?! why in the name of Richard Simmions would you ever say anything like that. I don't think that anyone should ever say that about their family members. You are shure a Queen... of pessimistic thinking. Grrr! Do not talk like that.
I think that education is a very important thing. I do not think that some classes in the school educate us correctly. I'm assuming that the only way that I am ever going to have to read and memorize shakespeare is if I was in a hostage situation:
Lets just say that there was a group of men that wanted to take over New York, and they were victorious. Then, they piled everyone into one building and strapped a couple of nukes around it. They randomly picked me out of the croud. If I were to memorize a Shakespearian play, then everyone would die. If I said the play correctly, then they would go somewhere else and let everyone go. That is the only time that I will EVER need to memorize and understand the "wonderful" world of Shakkespeare.
Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!Education is sometimes wasted!!!!!!
...But never by a wonderful teacher like Mrs. Perrin.
whoa andy took a quote from class today. that pretty cool if you ask me.
I definitely think education is necessary to support a family. I'm going to be honest, I hate school. I know that it will help me achieve my some dreams and give me a future career. But right now it feels like more of a chore. I dread going to school in the morning. I completely understand that teachers want us to know has much as possible, but years from now am I going to need it? It depends i guess, like geometry am i really going to need proofs, or vectors? My parents don't remeber what they are so they oviously aren't used in the real world. I think we need more education to live in the real world, I don't think kids today are exposed enough.
i love to learn new things, and for the most part i enjoy school. what i dont like is how we learn them, i guess, or exactly what i do learn. pretty much my whole life has been spent preparing me for something. elementary school for middle school, middle school for high school, and high school for college, the "real world." do we not live in the real world right now? we, as young as we may be, do have real problems. school is not the only thing in our lives, and not the only thing we could or should be focusing on. teachers give us mass amounts of homework, what does that prove? that they have the power to control what we do in the time that we spend outside of school?
i'm not saying its pointless, because it definitely isnt. you need an education to succeed in life, its very important to me. some of the things we learn, i just dont see the point in. you need a well-rounded education, but do some things really need to be as emphasized as they are? alot of the things i learn in math im sure i will never remember, or use again.
our education comes from everywhere, not just school. it comes from our homes, and real life experience. how can we get real life experience if we are stuck learning in a classroom, then forced into the real world of college all of a sudden? it just doesn't really make sense to me. i do highly value an education, like going to school, am always happy to learn for the most part, and cant wait until i go to college and use my education in a career. some things about the system in which we learn just bother me.
Education comes from everything...even the things we don't think about. Growing up, it is our parents duty to teach us values and beliefs. It is their job to shape the way that we see the world according to our culture and religion. Education doesn't necessarily have to mean sitting in a classroom with a teacher or someone who has a degree to teach with. It is the gaining of knowledge. We gain knowledge from everything that we experience. The greatest lesson that we are to learn while being educated is to learn from education. It is our duty, our right, to learn from the mistakes of those before us. We learn from our surroundings and the environment what we live in.
My education is very important to me and my family. I think my education doesn't just come from school, but from the life that is happening around me. As I grow older my life changes and I learn vaulable lessons that school could not teach me about.
I feel that a good education is needed. I was just having a conversation with my grandpa how college is so important to get a job, especially in times like these. If you work hard in school I believe you can get a good job and the work will pay off.
Let me first say that education is very, very important, as it paves the way for most peoples' futures and without it, to me peoples lives would be wasted. However, this theme of education always brings up something in my mind.
My dad always told me that I NEEDED to work as hard as I could to get as good of a future as I could, as he wanted me to succeed very much. But I would always try to find a way out of it, and one grading period, my dad gave me his usual speech, to which I responded "what about people like Donald Trump, to which my dad answered "well, sometimes people are very lucky, such as Trump, who was born into a wealthy family. Some people are born lucky like that. Others, however get their jobs or occupations through connections. This is why it is important to get to know as many people as you can now, you never know."
This concept bothered me, that there are people who didn't work for anything could be holding important, high paying positions while much more capable, hard working people may be struggling to make a living. But that's how life goes, right? Some people get lucky, others dont...
One more thing, real quick, that I'm surprised I haven't seen yet. Albert Einstein, did not get a good education, but he turned out pretty successful, huh? Same goes with Bill Gates, who if I remember right, didn't finish college. However, these are VERY rare cases. Sorry, if someone did already remark about these things, I did not read all of them.
WOW! Blogging is kinda fun!
Have a superfluous weekend!
-a happy H-Bomb
education comes from many sources where you live, the people you are around and the choices you make. Everyone has different education, some are book smart and some are street smart. We all learn different ways too. some visually others listening and some by doing. it just depends on what type of person you sre and how well you take in information. my education is very important to me because i want to be able to support myself and be completely independent. Also, i have worked very hard at school this year, not so much at the begging of the year, but now i am working harder then i ever have and i know it will pay off. Also i have gotten a lot of education from other activites, especially theater. i always love a challenge and when i get to play characters that are completely unlike me, it is really fustrating at times, but when i really step into that characters shoes for th efirst time, the feeling is so rewarding. (ask emily about Johnna, she will tell you)i have learned true determination this year and how to acheive my goals. i think everyone has this trait within them, it is just their afraid to use it or just too darn lazy so yeah. hope you enjoyed my rambling!! see y'all in class!!
Education is a very important detail in life. I remember when I was a little kid I'd always go, "I'M NOT GOING TO COLLEGE. SCHOOL'S NOT IMPORTANT." When I entered middle school, I started to see the importance of education when it came to the real world. Business, work, history, economics, studies, all revolved around it.
Education can come from anywhere. Like, you can learn from your mistakes, learn from others' mistakes, learn from experience, learn by stories, ect. And it's a never ending cycle of learning. C: So yay for us!~...?
-The Gabrielle :D
Education is a main goal in my life. I know that if I want to succeed into the person I want to be, I need to continue with my education. I think my education comes from everywhere in life. Not only do i learn in school, but as I take my journey through life, I learn so many things about how to get through it. I've heard the same thing from my mother, that you cannot depend on someone else to support you, so you need to have a steady job, this has also motivated me to get a good education. I think one of my bigger motivations to get an education is actually seeing people who havn't gone to college, or really pushed themselves to become successful, and who are now struggling. I would never want to live my life that way. I really don't see my idea of education changing in the next few years. Right now, I believe it's one of the most important things in my life, and I plan to continue it and go to college. I think as go through high school and college classes, and go farther into life, we begin to see how valuable an education is.
i think education comes from the school and teachers, but since the school hires the teachers, it is still the school. I also approve off private schools, mainly because i came from a private, religious school myself. I believe that is provides a better education than public schools.
education, i believe is all about how people learn. In japan for instance you have to obe bioligual. You must learn english or chineese. Their education takes them farther because they have to pass an exam before getting middle school and high school. Americas education is so horrible! I don't think oit will take me very far and I think that it doesn't challenge our thinking patterens. Not to mention the whole difference in learning. I mean to say in the south the civil war is totally different, when I lived in FL I was taught that the north was forcing their ideas on the south and when I came up here it was all about freeing people and how great the north was. My education, I how doesn't hurt my hopes of being an english teacher far far away from here (Japan). I learned a lot on my own like HTML. Although the schools help, they're not all that great for those that wish to have a good job.
Education to me is always just the passing of knowledge from one person to another. Education is like gossip in a way. To some of the students education spreads swiftly through them and then they can help others, this creating the honor students. While some who don't get this type of knowledge lag and need help by others to try to keep up with the average student.
When you see a private school it is almost like a place were religious people come to learn. Usually these places have no different education but usually learn in a different manner of how we learned. There history might consists like ours but also relate back to Jesus or the creating of Earth by the hands of God. These views to me are the only thing that can change the view of the difference of how public and private school teach.
When other people try to think they are smarter than one another just because they have a higher education it just means nothing. The person with lower education may be smarter than you but you know more specific details on things about the topic. Such a thing could be engineering were people may know things about car engines if they have lower education but know about jet engines if they have a higher education. This difference makes a big difference in the type of thing they are trying to get into making the higher education better to pick since they know more about the topic.
I believe that my education is very important. Over the years I think that my education will be even more important to me than it was when i was in first or second grade. My education will be changing in the future because of technology and other reasons. Many people look at others differently by what type of education they have recieved like for example someone who became a doctor can be viewed higher that someone that is a janitor. So in conclusion i believe that education is the key to success.
Education i think is a nessecity. Without it you would be clueless as to what you were doing, or things going on. I believe that going to a public school was good for me, because it gave me the umm lets put it as the "down and dirty" education, not the one you need to pay big bucks for, it's what everyone else got. One little thing about the way we're starting to educate people, is that i find all these "standards" very annoying, and unneffective. My band director, Mr. Wardeska, first made me think of this. Having 80 little bullets of information, so you can pass the OGT is not going to get you through life very successfully. I think that education should be unique, and everyone could have a different experience with it, and use with it what they will, not a certain set guidelines that everyone should know. That is just my opinion though.
For me, education is very important. Without it, I would not have an opportunity to move onto college, and make something of my life. Education gives us the opportunity to do what we want with our lives, and become someone.
education has become less of a challenge more and more by the years. i agree with my mom. she talks about it all the time, about how so many people have it so easy in high school. They just dumb it up for the entire united states so we can look smart by having a higher ratio of kids graduating high school, but not all, the kids are dumb.... well im not trying to say they are dumb its just high school has become so easy, that everyone passes with a D! for christ sakes... some 10 or even 5 years ago a D was like an F! now i know ive got no right to call people smart or dumb because my grades are not as good as they could be, but high school needs more of a challenge, which i think mrs. perrin is doing great! your the first teacher to actually challenge me thanx.... wow sorry bout that i sucked up majorly, but i mean it
P.S. my blogs late... sorry
-Tony H.
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