How often do we look at the world and never take time to learn the story behind what we see? We make quick judgements that are often unfounded. We have been practicing supporting our thinking with research and literature. Now practice supporting your thinking using the items in the picture.
Create a brief 75 word story, using the images found within this site. You have three to choose from. Feel free to use your vocabulary words.
Tips for analysis: Make a list of everything you see. Create a motivation behind why each item is in the picture. Determine how the items fit into the storyline you are creating. Start writing.
It should make sense and not be too outrageous. The story should be supported by the items in the photo. Have fun:)
The picture I chose was the one of the Golden Gate Bridge.
To me this picture shows that the world is not a safe place. The picture looks like a dismal place and that the fog shows that our own destruction could happen at any time. The bridge appears to be abandond and no life apears. As humans we are going to be our own destruction, all of the technology we have and our arrogent attitudes will be the death of us as a race, and we are our greatest enemy's.
That is what I saw in the picture, I might not have been able to see specific details becouse my monitor is bad and the picture is blury but that is what it looks like to me.
Sarah Palin 2012!
I choose the third one, because I’m such a tree-hugger C:
Just going to do a quick first-person pov. Not a hundred percent sure what you’re asking for here ^^”
I ran my fingers through the coarse bumps and ridges on the barren tree that sprouted in between two paths. On my left was a path that led to complete civilization, also known as the common-day-heaven for humans. To my right was the wild and untamed nature that served as a haven for beast. And the road I stood upon with in the middle and was leaning in neither direction. The path forwards was blockaded by a strong and dense fog accompanied by eerie mist. Both sides seemed welcoming enough, but I was still urged to continue straight. Nothing better then to explore the unknown.
I hope some of my scenery-descriptions are accurate. Gosh darn this computer monitor.
Picture with trees:
Through the fog and the skeletol trees people started to come out. They were not dead or alive, they were zombies! A tinge of rotten meat reflected off their bodies. I felt in a different realm not really in reality. They new what I was and started runing faster. Me and my friend Alley started to run toward the transam parked in the park's parking lot. After the fastest running I had ever done in my life, we finally made it to the car and drove off to an unknown place. . .
Cornelius Suilenroc was driving down a road lined with trees dormant for the winter. He was not paying attention to the road, for his appetite was voracious. All he could think of was a big, succulent McGriddle steeped with awesomeness. It was a foggy morning, and the air was replete with uncertainty. All of a sudden, he felt a severe jolt as the van behind him rear-ended his Ferrari. What an eminent start to his day!
The Foggy Lane
By Tom Ludwig
Darn it! My story is 76 words! Curses!
I think it's funny how Bryan's has a sentence that says "parked in the park's parking lot."
I choose the first picture.
The other victim and I ran through the dark, wet woods for miles and miles that night. We spotted the beginning of a train track and decided to follow it. The morning sun began to peek through the clounds revealing a tunnel made of brick. Overgrown grass, weeds, and grabage surrounded it. Grafetti was scribbled all over the brick . It appeared that someone had once lived there. We decided to make it our new home...
The Third Picture:
Selena had been running on the Towpath and looked up, only to be blinded by the suns rays. She looked ahead and saw nothing. This was the first time in her entire life when absolutely nothing was there. No colors or shapes, just blank surrounding her. She thought she was dying, when would she reach heaven? Selena waited for God to come and pull her out of this world where nothing existed.
Having this experience in a place without anything, really makes Selena thankful for everything she has on earth.
foggy trees:
why am i so jumpy today? it's like everything is see or think i see either makes my heart beat faster or freezes it. Come on, it's not even night time! wait - i swear that was a moving bush, right? Ha, never mind; those are only in the comedy movies. OK, that definitely was not a garbage can; there is someone behind it! now i must be crazy because there are footsteps directly behind me and when did the wind pick up? You know what, i'm going to hide behind that tree and wait. As soon as i sit down though, E.T. confronts me.
sorry - i don't know how to shorten it!
talia kordahi
picture two!
I stared across the long narrow bridge across the deep blue water. It was as if fear had just stared me straight in the eyes and told me not to move. I was scared stiff. The height of the bridge and the idea of crossing it was un real. I took one deep breath and pressed the petal of my blue car. As I was crossing the narrow bridge i couldn't help myself but think of the entire bridge crumbling to pieces.
It was too late. The thieves had made of with the merchandise they stole from the store. A few of those asorted items lay in the tunnel they escaped through. if only i could have caught them but a DVD player they threw out caused me to veer my motercycle off to the side. I reached down to get my radio and called in the street name of where they were headed and a description of the van.
I chose the first picture for my (made up) story:
The black hole had always reminded me of the old brick fire place back at my old house. It had always been dark. This was partly because of how dirty it always was and partly because we could never build a fire in it. The Flu was always blocked and the metal guard along with the fire tools were missing. My father said that if there ever was to be a fire in there that the filth and leftover trash would keep the smoke in the house nad would poison us while we slept in our beds.
But now the black hole that is... was a tunnel for that old passenger train that ran on coal was brighter than ever. I stand in front of it now as the flames burn and the screams echo from deep inside. People are swarming around the entrance. Fire fighters, police,families, mourners-the litterers.
That was what had caused the fire. THe litter and garbage that had built up inside. the paper, aluminum cans... gasoline tanks and oli drums that had carelessly been disposed of. You know just last week our school stated a recycling campaign. I just wish we could have listened better and stopped the littering and pollution while we had the chance. Because now that fire place back at my old house seems bigger than I remember and since a fire was started long ago when us humans stacked up the kindling the smoke finally got to us and poisened us while we slept.
I'm not sure if this make any sense(I was tryin to sound poetic), but just in case... when I saw the picture I imediately noticed how rundown it looked and how much litter was outside. Oh and My family does own a cottage with an old brick fire place only in real life it does work its just that the outside of the tunnel looked like it... anyway the moral is that humans have been ignoring (sleeping) how much we have been polluting the planet and by the time we do notice the "fire" we create it will be too late and the "poison smoke" will have already hurt us.
-E. W. Rady
I shiver as I walk along the isolated road. Goosebumps are running up and down my spine. The trees look lonely, swaying the in the wind. Strangely enough, the fog gives the trees its own beauty. I took this walk to clean my head. It was difficult choosing between those that I love the most. The world is empty. Nothing stirs in the woods. Suddenly, I feel eyes watching me, glaring daggers at my back. The impulse to run was astonishing. I continue along the road, willing my feet to go faster without it being noticeable. Then, I hear the voice. "We're not through with you yet", the voice laughed mockingly...
Opps....I chose the third picture.
Wow. while reading some of those stories people left, they were amazing!!! jeez people!i have a crazy imagination, but I do not know how to apply it to a story...
Anyway...i choose the third picture, same with many other people. (the tunel one reminds me of the fifth harry potter movie!!!! Maybe that's just me..)
Ah beautiful morning to run and relieve me of all my stresses. The fog easily relaxing me as I go through it, it acting as my protection. Earth is so lovely to run through, not a soul in sight except all of the people dreading their drive to work. The path is all rigid, the way i like it as it curves keeping my interest. The wind kicks up, feeling amazing against my sweat drenched body. Hope it rains! i love running in the rain and jumping in the puddles. The rivers rapids flow loudly as the birds chirp, haing conversations with eachother. the plants sway with the wind, solemnly dancing. the wind whistles as it goes through the friendly trees. i begin to run wit the beat of the birds, wind, river, and cars.chirp chirp oooh. chirpity woosh vroom.The trees are everywhere, boasting how tall they are, reaching up high into the sky. Finally I am calm, forgot what I was stressed about and in peace with the world. then I realize...oh crap...where the heck am I? my stresses come back, realizing i have no idea where i am, never been here before. Oh and my project being due tomorrow. time to sprint home, which ever direction that is to finish it. No more running from my problems.
No seriously. i really do have to work on my project. got lost in thought. ah woopsies. hope that was what you wanted. :]
wow. mine was terrible and way more than 75 words. sory! i am still wordy!!!!! ehh... project time..
i dont know what you mean so im going to make up a story for pic #2
i was touring in san fransisco and i came across a bridge... i was walking on it and started looking out into the fog.. when the fog rolled bye i don't know what happened but i heard screams... the fog had past and all the cars were gone... i walked over to the edge of the bridge and i looked at alcatrast... than i was leaning over the side rails and i happened to see something... it was shiny, i slipped and fell in... i was under the water for a couple minutes, than i saw some cars... i had realized they were the cars i saw ten minuets ago...
-Tony H.
I'm gonna be risky here... the first one.
I awoke to a voracious fit of coughing. I rolled over and looked at my cart that was usually steeped with aluminum cans. But not today. Nope! last night i cashed them all in for a windows Vista tower but now its just trashed outside of my secret hideout. Being the sapient fellow I was I brought the busted up tower over to the BK and traded it in for a number eleven breakfast meal.
I chose the third picture!
I stared into the vast open space ahead of me, not sure where I was. I remembered being on my way to the Tremaine Dance Competition. Then I took a wrong turn and ended up here. From where I was standing I could not see anyone else near me. I felt alone and scared of what was in the trees. Everything around me looked foreign and frightening, a place I had never been before. I moved an inch and in an instant I heard a scream and everything went dark.
The picture that I chose was the picture of the trees nd path.
Early one fall morning, I was riding my brnd new bike on the tow path. All the leaves had fallen from the trees leaving the branches bare. I saw only one other person who was jogging on the tow path. The fog had still not gone away giving the path a very erie feeling. As I kept riding the fog started to get thicker and thicker. It was very hard to see a foot in front of my bike. I suddenly heard a noise behind me. I turned to see what it was when i suddenly...woke up.
I chose the first picture! (tunnel)
They slowly approached the tunnel as they watched the train moving as fast as the wind, leaving only a line of smoke in its path. Debris all over the ground, grafiti on the walls, they wondered why people would do this. They had their work cut out for them, it was time to clean up the mess that was left behind, in the town and around the tunnel. But they never dared cross the line and go into the tunnel. Questions sitll raced through their minds like tadpoles in a pond. Who were they? Why had they come to destroy life in our town? Why had they crossed the line into the forbidden tunnel? There was only one way to find out...take a journey into the tunnel.
Ok so maybe i went a tad over 75 words. hehe.
I've chosen the 1st one. I'm feelin an intense story right about now.
"RUN DUDE, RUN!" the little boy screamed as he dropped his popsicle and ran. A dark shadow was overtakin the little kids, they turned back to see what it was, and all they could see was a huge figure on the railroad tracks. RRRAAWWRR they heard from behind, as they heard loud, huge footsteps, crushing anything in its path. Whatever this was must have been old. It must have been as old as the cave it was hiding in, it looked just as tatterned and torn as the tunnel.
I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for, but i thought i'd spicen up depressing cave.
Pic #3
I woke up in a daze, wondering what had happened to me. As I stumbled, trying to find my way a great panopoly of fog clouded my vision. I indiscriminately tried to gather up all that I could take in, the abounding trees, the paved street. Suddenly, a shadowy figure approached me. As he came closer, I squinted and gasped. It was none other than the legendary automaton, Cornelius Suilenroc! What an eminent start to MY day!
the wandering man;
I picked the third picture.
I had a feeling today would be peculiar. As I took my morning jog down my usual path in the park the sky looked ominous. I didn’t think rain was in the projected forecast. I kept running and feeling like I was being followed. When I reached the end of the straight away a figure appeared. He looked at me with his menacing eyes and grabbed me. I screamed in terror but no one was there to help.
I chose the first picture, of the pained tunnel.
Society ceased to exist, this far from modern life.
At the end of the abandoned railroad track, there lay a tunnel. And on the other side, was a magic place. The bricks were painted, yellow, orange, red. Sun beams stroked the colors that were her children tenderly, wild flowers grew.
Some people say graffiti is wrong, vandalism, but I disagree. Let it live on, the art of youth must be seen, we are the future.
The picture i chose was the bridge one.
I drove over the bridge and it was dusk. The clouds hung low, and it was hard to see. I hit the edge of the bridge and though "wow, i almost fell." Then the bridge was swaying and it collapsed. I fell into the water below. I got my door open in the nick of time. and jumped out. I hit the water and began to swim to realize i couldnt. Then a boat saw me and picked me up and i couldnt understand what they were saying to me. so i jumped off and struggled to shore.
I hope this is what you wanted.
I chose the pic of the tunnel. dont ask why. its just the most random one of the three.
Ha look a tunnel! Those were my first thoughts when i saw the pictures that mrs perrin had told us to write a story about one of em. Hmmm now what should i make a story on now? Oh well i think ill just write a story about writing a story about a picture on mrs perrins blog.
Ok kevin how bout this
Spike Feriston 2012
My picture that I'm going to use is the one with the tunnel. It gave me an idea right away.
We had finally arrived! The entrance to the Underworld was in our sight, disguised as a simple tunnel. I walked closer, inspecting the outside before making the decision to walk to the Land of the Dead. My brother suddenly yelled "What in the world is that thing?" A strange tentacle began slithering its way out of the tunnel. It was moving back and forth, such as to be beckoning us into the darkness. I took a deep breath and walked into the tunnel. Everything immediately went black as we walked farther in.
i picked the first one.
there once lived a poor old man under a train tunnel. he had no family all he had was a shopping cart and a wooden table. (i think thats what it is)one day he decided to take a walk down the tunnel. All of a sudden bright lights could been seen coming his way, and before he knew it CRASH!!!! a train hit the old man. all that was left was his shopping crat and his table and the big dark tunnel
i dont know if the story makes sense but i tried.
cya on monday!!
as i stared into the dark tunnel, i began to wonder what awaited me on the other side. the scattered garbage on the ground and the graffiti on the wall made me wonder what kind of people came through here, and how often anyone actually did. with a deep, shuddering breath, i put one foot forward. i kept walking, thinking that it wasnt so bad. but when i could no longer see light on either side of me, i began to get a little nervous. there was a slight shuffling behind me, and a hand went around my mouth. no one heard me scream.
I choose the third picturee to describe because it would be mysterious and scary.
On a calm and cool autumn night,a group of rambunguous teens were making theirway through the forest. Although they were quiet oblivious of their surrondings, they had noticed the intense thickness of the forest trees. Also,the fog was at a thickening amount too. One girl from the group noticed this and was questioning her peers about why this forest seemed so creepy. As soon as they came to a path in the forest, her peers also were creeped out by the intenseness of the forest.
I am going to write about the tunnel, the first one. To me, this picture shows the unknown. We are all wandering on a path that will reveal itself in time, but we cannot foretell, or find out our true destiny until we meet that part in our life. We are entering a fate unknown and mysterious. As we walk along through the tunnel, we discover new things about us, and new things happen that can shake out whole life.
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